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Custom Armor Question

Well needless to say saving enough money to buy custom armor was not an easy task but I finally did it and my PC Wilimek went to have it made at the blue mushroom. I modeled the suit after the one I was wearing. After I was done I paid for the armor and fully expected to have the suit Wilimek was wearing replicate the one I was working on. This was not the case. Now I have two suits of armor- equally unsatified. Does this server have the service available for alterations? I just wanted to customize the armor I was wearing to reflect Wilimeks taste. IC-ly I think my PC would have known he was purchasing another suit instead of altering the one he was wearing and decline the decision I mistakenly made for him. If there is this type of service on the server is there any way I can get Wils armor changed with a DMs help so he dont eat the loss for my mistake?

Thank you Much

The custom armor shops in the module all offer the armor that is currently being modeled on the dummies. As in, they are working on a new suit of armor on the dummies in front of you, and when they finish, they give it to you.

There is currently no NPC which can modify the armor you are wearing. With some suits of magical armor, this is intentional, because they are meant to look a certain way.

In other cases, a DM may help you and modify your armor to look the way you want it, but it is an enormous pain to do, so don't hold your breath.

Thanks for the reply, at least this post will save others from making the same assumption/mistake. As for my PC Wil he will administratively take a 2 Pt Int penalty for the stupid decision to have his armor modified in the first place, LOL Thanks again