journal. music. life. boredom. battle. plagued trogs. need to make song for Alex dourn. okay. remind er list completed
Tren Wettias's list of reminders
alive well, happy. maybe rich. I do not know what is rich down here.
Now, Where is ALex? I cannot find her. Those orcs are scary, better befriend them,,yes yes yes. Red Claws dead? maybe, Maybe notsd. People be scary, yes yes yes. Am I making sense? no no no.
I am looking for a way to recharge my musical Instruments ...I need to learn how there made first
*After a long and fierce struggle with a trash pile, Tren in tattered wizard clothing looks like he has regained a bit of sanity ...well perhaps not, he joyfullly starts to write in his notebook*
Still havent found Alex....I haven't made that song yet though so maybe that is for the best....(a picture of Alex is Drawn in the figure of what Tren thinks what she looks like when she is flames surround her)
All my precious, precious stuff is gone, luckily I can mantain the appearance of Sanity around people...I know I am going insane...I dream of this big demon...And I think it is the demon lord of the undead....perhaps if I can gain favor with *Orcus*(( The word orcus is barely legible through the fear of even writing his name down would summon him)) My power over the undead will grow,,,,perhaps perhaps.
Now, time to find my ring. Which I should have been looking for when I came down here....Funny I just remembered it...
I think I sold it to some idea really. Maybe drow maybe mindflayers, maybe Kuatoa...I will ramsack my memory now, I remember what it does...
Tren Wettias's ring
+1 to ac +4 to lore +2 to perform.
I think it does those I think...Now, to find it, I will try Fort Mur.
Finally! I am rich again and I have some my precious stuff back! I have 2600 gold and I grow stronger by the minute. How long has it been sweet power. How long has it truly been??
ACK. Lost it ALL! But not my power! The spell wounding whispers and ghostly Visage goes nicely together,,,very nicely indeed! I must finds a way to reconnect Planar alignments so I can re bind a new undead to my lute. Much stronger than the feeble spirit....Now to find my lute...damn....Mur doesn't have my ring....such power...I have little experince with feeling it for so long...I can hold my own against 2 trolls! * The rest of the script is on how he killed the two trolls and how he gutted them and sent in splashing down the river*
....Lost it all again....
*Dead Tren is after happening upon a battle on the shores of darklake with lizard folk*
-somehow Tren Wettias has regained life again, and a very surprised Tren finds his journal, well, in the Trashpile!-
Well, I cannot say I am surprised, Well, I am when your bank account has remained open for....a year...4 months? Without you doing anything with it. Any who, All I am diong now is just work, must regain power, at any cost.
Met someone named Eric, wishes me to join ...we were interrupted then ,but I need to speak with him. If he can give me an avenue to vent the dreges of my mind...
I am starting a network of informers and informants, hopefully, I will be able to rely on information on happenings.
dead, AGAIN!