Fer those o' ye who dun know me, name's Will Brandy. I were born 'ere in Sanctuary. 'eard plenty o' tales o' the surface world, but never been meself. Ye prolly 'eard the same ones, eh. Ye can learn a lot from ol' tales and 'istories.
One thin' I learned is tha' Sanctuary 'ere's unique. There never been any society like it, least not tha' lasted as long. Them surfacers always gotta 'ave their nobles an' kings an' whatnot. Down 'ere though, we dun got none. An' there never will be any!
Thin' is, not everbody agrees wi' you an' me.
There be some folks an' factions 'ere who'd set up a new nobility if'n ye let em. Even some Council folks, eh. If yer wantin' ta stop 'em, there's a' least one good way ta be doin' it: make sure there ain't no noble friendly folks on tha' Council.
Strife: Why do you say this?
'Cause some factions within' this 'ere city think they're better than others, eh. They'll be settin' up a new aristocracy in no time if'n we let 'em.
Strife: What solution do you provide? Noble leaders lead because they are noble.
Why, me o' course! If'n ye elect Will Brandy ta the Council, I'll be makin' sure no nobility ever gets established 'ere eh. "Nobles" led 'cause they've got a great-great-great-great grandpappy tha' did some king a favor eh
Malark: Well, you certainly don't have my vote
Strife: This is a waste of my time
*they leave*
See tha', boys? There's men righ' 'ere in this city tha' sympathize wi' some future nobility, righ' now. It's a bleedin' danger ta all o' us. How'd ye like ta be serfs?
Slaves. Again. In all but name folks. Them men tha' walked out, they better than 'ye?
Alistra: No nobles, is that all you are doing for the town?
'course not. Tha's jes the issue I wanted ta speak on today, eh. Any'ow, I promise tha' if'n ye elect me o' anyone endorsed by me Alliance fer Liberty, we ain't gonna tolerate no nobles.
Alistra: Your name again?
I'm Will Brandy. Be well, folks.
Any questions out there, eh?
Alistra: Having heard enough.
No questions I see. Live free.