Since most of the spam seems directed at the Off Topic Discussion forums, might I recommend a change of the name of the forums? It might throw them off, if they're bots. Just a hyphen between Off and Topic.
Spam and Forums
Change it to Off Tropic :P
Or Tropical Island Bonanza!
You... Just... Broke my brain...
Naw, i support this, Off-Topic all the way! But, umm... How come there's never been any spam in general discussion?
There has been spam in general disscussion, its -mostly- in off topic though
Well, how'd the bots get programed to this site, i semand we kill the snitch.
Thomas_Not_Very_Wise, get over here!
Eventualy im gunna have to stop teasing him...
Kill the snitch? you better Catch it, Allnames, we will get like 150 point, and finish this game/thread/whatever
I would now like to change my suggestion to: Place the word REAL: in capital letters like that before the title of suggestions going into the Off Topic forums. That way we know which ones are...real. Yeah.
You could change it to pig latin :
Alternatous Subjectarum or something :0
Now look what you've done. There's one in general discussion. They must have heard you.
Yeah those filthy maggot spawning festering ileums!
Or make part of the forum "Spam area", so that we know which area to avoid if we don't want to read the spam
Nero24200 Or make part of the forum "Spam area", so that we know which area to avoid if we don't want to read the spam
And how do we persuade the bots to only post in the spam area?
Unless you suggest we move the posts, in which case it's just as quick to delete them.
Maybe this would work:
Require password when creating a forum account. Only place where you could find the current password would be in game, in Done Quests part of the Journal. Server Announcements would be a good place to put it in.
I find this idea interesting, it might just work,
A lot of forums require you to enter the letters from an image when creating an account. Would that slow the spambots down?
Already implemented.