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Deauxfortes, from the beginning to the end.

This is Deauxfortes's story. It is HUGELY spoilerific.

This character was created on Thursday, October 12th at 11:43:02 AM.Since creation, this character has logged on and off 150 times.

It is rather fitting that his 150th appearance would be his last. At

2006-11-27 15:56:19 EST
Deauxfortes came to an end.

Where did his concept come from? All began with the plague a few months ago. After having made several characters with backgrounds external to Sanctuary, I decided to anchor him inside Sanctuary's history, and the Plague was the perfect time to start. He was to be a man - a nobody, just some labourer, a face amongst all the other poor citizens of Lower who was to be the product of his times. He was to have an initial hatred of Upper and a desire for Lower supremacy but at the same time the recent death of all his family to the plague had humbled him.

All throughout playing him, I wanted to let the world around him shape him. The challenge was to make an active character, but who only acted out of cause. He was to be just the logical product of everything that happened to him. That's why I started him as a rather unconfident, TN, fighter. Physically - he was a ghastly sight, his skin was destroyed by the rotting death and he suffered from ailments for the rest of his life.

Probably the biggest thing in his life was Barry Wesh (cheers Canzah :wink:). Deauxfortes must had seen a rolemodel in him. When Barry left, he instructed Deaux to carry on their "work" : to make Lower great. Deauxfortes, in all his actions after, simply obeyed Wesh's last wishes. At the same time - he was forced into something dark and foul... *spoiler removed*

Back in the "Golden" days(pun intended) - Throughout the "Lower" political turmoil of Wesh's and Tane's time, people were switching sides like you turn lights on and off. People where friends one moment and enemies the next, and vice versa. A great time.

Deauxfortes wasn't always the brightest man - and threw himself onto Baelister even though there were dozens of enemies around and stood no chance. He would do anything for Wesh.

Roast Rothe, some beers, cheap whores - Deauxfortes only real pleasures in life.

At first he got into a few "gigs" - armed robberies and such of innocent citizens, but then things got a bit more serious...

*spoiler removed*

It didn't take long for Deauxfortes to realise that Tymora was for weaklings and such, and Bane was by far a better choice. When given the possibility of converting, he couldn't refuse.

Many more secrets revealed - but how ? Where? When? Why? *spoiler removed*

Deauxfortes begins to enjoy sadistic activities, and catching halflings plotting to kill the greaty Mresh the Maur was the perfect excuse to try out the new whip he just bought.

*possible character spoiler removed*

By now I realise how much I would have loved to have a screenshot of Deauxfortes killing Mresh. Almost singlehandedly, he killed Mresh and the whole goblin tribe in lower, a pure bloodfest. 25 evil alignement points (in one go twisted: )later, he did however consent to raising chief gruzzle from the dead in order to appease the suicide bombers.

There is something ironic in Deauxfortes Fate - and only a few will know why... *spoiler removed*

But - as everyone knows - things never last, and one day...

So there - that's it folks. What should I say now? Thanks to just about everyone who ever talked to Deauxfortes. Thanks to all the great players who truly had an impact on this ever evolving character. Thanks to the DMs who helped me ( and special thanks to the DM who nearly gave me 760 000 xp - he will recognise himself here :P) On a small note - sorry for logging just after Deauxfortes death - I had gone well beyond my playing allowance.

I have to say - Its been quite a blast these last few months. I've truly had what I consider the "ultimate" efu experience - namely being in a cool DM faction, being on the council, having gone on an escape quest and a lot more.

What next? Dunno. I've got a new concept, but I'll be out for a longish while, preparing for some very important events soon (namely Cambridge interviews). I guess I won't be hanging around too much - that would be to inviting to go back IG and play, which I shouldn't do too much. So there - that's about it.

**Edited to remove spoilers. Please refrain from placing character names that may implicate others OOCly in their activities. Please refrain from posting obvious spoilers other than those that have only impact on your character who is now dead. Thank you

--EfU DMs**

I just realised I forgot to talk about his name.

Deauxfortes is the result of D'eaux fortes - which means strong water. Ever since day one, everyone took the piss out of his name...Fish's Duck Forties was probably the best, and I have to say it sounds like some music band. Sweet.

Cheers, good luck in life. Was a "blast!" if you know what I'm saying! Been great having you around. I hope you'll be returning to EFU once RL things are shrugged off your shoulders.


[Signed!] That Great Grundigle.

That's Councilmembers -1 in like... 5 IG days? ;) Good work with Lucien!

Touche! Blesse! Ataque!

... Vampire...creepy

Bloody good playing with yers...shame Deaux had to die. The Crone is mighty empty.

Look forward to your next char.



Was he around really long?

I feel all bad now >.>

Cheers, mate! I'm gonna have a look on my own screenshot folder and maby I'll post something here. Either way, hope to see you soon. ;)

*signed elegantly* Mr. Wesh - The People's Republic of Lower

Tymora kicks ass you ingrate, great PC though Aekula. :P

Now who is Frem going to hang around with? :(

A day in the life of lucien.

"Nothing here I want" - Lucien.