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Repose Domain

Kelemvor gets the sun domain as a replacement for this domain to represent his anti undead standce, however Osirus and Urogalan who get the Repose domain are still stuck with the Death Domain, this domain represents everything these two deitys stand AGAINST, i'd like to sugest they too get the Sun domain in lew of repose to represent their strong anti undeath stance.

As with all the domains, we are open to any suggestions as how to best represent those not included in NwN. This particular one is being considered and may find its way in game soon.

Let's do it.

Kind of low priority for our sorely taxed scripters, however I can leto a character to give it the travel domain once this has been implemented for those characters that around now. Maybe even make it into a DM quest unlocking new powers if I'm feeling ambitious.

Uh... Sun, not Travel...
