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Mulhorandi Pantheon

When the Imaskari stole thousands of people from another world to be their slaves, the prisoners brought their faith, and the deities, the Mulhorandi pantheon, with them:

Anhur, Geb, Hathor, Horu-Re, Isis, Nephthys, Osiris, Sebek, Set, Thoth


General of the Gods, Champion of Physical Prowess, the Falcon of War Symbol: Hawk-headed falchion bound with a cord Home Plane: Heliopolis Alignment: Chaotic good Portfolio: War, conflict, physical prowess, thunder, rain Worshipers: Druids, fighters, monks, rangers, soldiers, warriors Favored Weapon: “Warhawk” (falchion)

Cleric Alignments: CG, CN, NG NwN Domains: Chaos, Good, Strength, War

History/Relationships: Although nominally allied with Pharaoh of the Gods, Anhur’s aggressive advocacy of change of ten clashes with Horus-Re’s desire for eternity and perpetual order. After absorbing the portfolios of Ramman, the former Untheric deity of weather Anhur, has come into increasing conflict with Isis, but in other respects the two are close allies. He cooperates closly with Nephthys, particularly in opposing the machinations of Thay and has an on-again-off-again relationship with Bast (Sharess), although their alliance is fundamentally sound. Anhur’s long-standing enemy is Set but his activities during the Time of Troubles earned him the enmity of Sekolah (the Sahuagin shark deity) and Hoar. Given Mulhorand’s war with Unther and it’s interest in expansion, Anhur is likely to come into conflict with Tempus eventually.

Dogma: Protect Mulhorand, for she is your mother. Fall upon her enemies as you would any who had done ill to your own mother. Show bravery and valor in combat and protect your brothers and sisters in arms. Follow the wise advice of your commander as you would that of your parents but take no actions that serve an ill cause. If your commander asks that you do ill, refuse; your actions will be vindicated by a council of at least three of your peers. Protect the people of Mulhorand and the property of the church of Anhur, for it is your home you defend with the fury of a lioness defending her cubs. Beware the wiles of Set, for his spies are everywhere and his actions turn brother upon sister and parent upon child; his taint poisons the waters of the land of your heart. Defend against the fierce storms that sweep down from the north, for they are the work of crimson magic. Carry the peace and prosperity of Mulhorand westward and shpeherd the people of Unther during their time of need.


King of the Riches Under the Earth, Father Under the Skies and Sands Symbol: A mountain Home Plane: Heliopolis Alignment: Neutral Portfolio: The earth, miners, mines, mineral resources Worshipers: Elemental archons (earth), fighters, miners and smiths Favored Weapon: “Stonemantle” (quarterstaff)

Cleric Alignments: CN, N, NE, NG, LN NwN Domains: Cavern, Earth, Protection

History/Relationships: One of the oldest deities of Mulhorand, Geb is the father of Isis, Set, Osiris and Nephthys. Geb has long since been overshadowed by his progeny but he is allied still to all but Set. He has alliances outside the Mulhorand pantheon as well, including Flandal Steelskin, Grumbar and Moradin. The conflict between Horus-Re and Anhur has saddened him and many feel that Geb may transfer his power to another deity and return to his beloved wife Nut, whom he left behind thousands of years ago in order to come to Toril and save his people.

Dogma: Know the earth. Explore it’s beauties and reveal it’s hidden secrets but do so in such a way as to highlight their fundamental mysteries, not merely to exploit their monetary value. Protect those who work in the earth with respect and punish those who ravish it out of it’s treasure without regard. Become one with the earth and you will know Geb, who abides in it. Geb will lead you to inner peace through steadfast knowledge and lend you the strength of the living rock to defend and protect in your time of need.


The Nurturing Mother Symbol: Horned cow’s head wearing a lunar disk Home Plane: Heliopolis Alignment: Neutral good Portfolio: Motherhood, folk music, dance, the moon, fate Worshipers: Bards, dancers, mothers Favored Weapon: Long cow horns (short sword)

Cleric Alignments: CG, LG, NG NwN Domains: Good, Knowledge

History/Relationships: Hathor’s relationship with the other deities of the Mulhorand pantheon is a servile one, with the exception of Set and Sebek, whom she dislikes. Many of the Mulhorandi deities look down on her, with the exception of Osiris, Isis and Nephthys, who appreciate her kindness. Hathor’s role overlaps that of Isis in some respects but Hathor is seen as a mother and Isis as a wife. She misses the rest of her celestial family and, like lonely Geb, may abandon her power in Faerun and return to them.

Dogma: Help all who turn to you for aid, be the slave or free, high born or low born, for all Mulhorand’s children are equal in Hathor’s eyes. Provide sustenance for the hungry, healing for the hurt, health for the diseased and protection for the endangered. Act humbly, for pride and haughty words come not from the heard of the Nurturing Mother. Treat those in your care as toyalty, for so shall you be cared for in the peaceful garden of the Quiet One in the afterlife. Be joyful and spread happiness with your words and deeds. Dance and let your heart be light, for goodness and mercy shall be yours in this life and the next.


Lord of the Sun, Master of Vengeance, Pharaoh of the Gods Symbol: Hawk’s head in pharaoh’s crown surrounded by a solar circle Home Plane: Heliopolis Alignment: Lawful good Portfolio: The sun, vengeance, rulership, kings, life Worshipers: Administators, judges, nobles, paladins Favored Weapon: An ankh (khopesh)

Cleric Alignments: LG, LN, NG NwN Domains: Good, Law, Sun

History/Relationships: Horus-Re was once Horus, a hot-headed deity who frequently clashed with Set. After the death of Ra during the Orcgate Wars, Horus became Horus-Re, chief deity of the Mulhorand pantheon. In so doing, Horus-Re has become not unlike Ra in personality and little remains of the original personality of Horus. Although all the Mulhorandi deities in principle answer to Horus-Re, only Isis, Osiris and Thoth could be truly considered his allies. Ironically, Horuse-Re is troubled by the actions of his cousin, Anhur, an aggressive advocate of change and conflict and usually contradicts or opposes the positions Anhur takes, often ordering his clergy to take active countering measures. Horus-Re’s greatest foe is Set. Lathander, another sun-related deity, has a sympathetic interest in Horus-Re, for he remembers Horus-Re’s old personality, which was much like his own.

Dogma: Goodness, honor and order are the natural state and that which leads to evil, treachery and chaos is by rights unnatural and the enemy. Lead Mulhorand by example and let your deeds speak your intentions. Goodness and harmony come from living within maat rather than fighting it. Laws exist to bring prosperity to those under them. The pharaoh and the church of Horus-re rule with Horus-Re’s guidance and set laws as guidelines for honorable actions within Mulhorand’s tradition. Make no hasty changes or decisions, as their consequences are always suspect and may underimine the steadfast rule of eternity. Protect the weak and avenge all wrongs. Smite traitors with righteous vengeance.


Beautiful Lady, Lady of Rivers, Mistress of Enchantment Symbol: Ankh and star on a lunar disk Home Plane: Heliopolis Alignment: Neutral good Portfolio: Weather, rivers, agriculture, love, marriage, good magic Worshipers: Arcane spellcasters, druids, lovers, mothers Favored Weapon: An ank and star (punching dagger)

Cleric Alignments: CG, LG, NG NwN Domains: Good, Magic, Water

History/Relationships: Isis is the daughter of Geb, the wife of Osiris, the sister of Thoth and the mother of Horus, making her one of the most influential deities of the Mulhorandi pantheon. She is allied with Sharess and the nonevil Mulhorandi deities. She is still saddened by the long-ago change in Horus that occurred thousands of years ago and sometimes shares her grief with Chauntea, her agricultural counterpart in the Faerunian pantheon.

Dogma: Encourage love, affection and marriage in the citizens of Mulhorand. Sow the seeds of happiness, family and food wherever you go and provide wise counsel for those in need. Use your magic to benefit of the people of Mulhorand and never to harm them, particularly by shaping the weather to serve the populace and creating magic items for the benefit of all. Protect the heroes of Mulhorand and those who are in love.


Guardian of Wealth and Commerce, Protector of the Dead, the Avenging Mother Symbol: A gold offering bowl topped by an Ankh Home Plane: Heliopolis Alignment: Chaotic good Portfolio: Wealth, trade, protector of children and the dead Worshipers: Merchants, money-changers, tax collectors, rogues Favored Weapon: An ankh trailing a golden mist (whip)

Cleric Alignments: CG, CN, NG NwN Domains: Chaos, Good, Protection

History/Relationships: Daughter of Geb and long-forgotten Nut, Nephthys was once married to Set. She left him over the murder of Osiris and helped her sister Isis to resurrect the dead deity. She has few friends even among her own pantheon. Waukeen guards against her encroachment upon the portfolio of wealth now that Mulhorand is expanding again, while Mask is interested in her riches.

Dogma: Accumulate great volumes of wealth, but fo not hold money above your devotion to the goddess. Protect the tombs and the remains of the dead and smite those who would rob those who have gone to the afterlife or desecrate their tombs. Avenge the death of those Mulhorandi killed by the Red Wizards of Thay. Be faithful to your husband and encourage faithfulness in others. Protect worshipers of the goddess and diligently root out and destroy evil, especially the actions of Set.


Lord of Nature, Judge of the Dead, Reaper of the Harvest Symbol: White crown of Mulhorand over a crossed crook and flail Home Plane: Heliopolis Alignment: Lawful good Portfolio: Vegetation, death, the dead, justice, harvest Worshipers: Attorneys, druids, embalmers, judges, paladins, rangers, seekers of rightful vengeance Favored Weapon: “Just Reward” (light or heavy flail)

Cleric Alignments: LG, LN, NG NwN Domains: Death, Good, Law, Plant

History/Relationships: Osiris is the son of Geb and long-forgotten Nut. He was slain by Set during a power struggle to succeed Ra in the aftermath of the Orcgate Wars. He was brought back to life by his wife Isis and Nephthys when they mummified his body, giving him eternal life and making him the deity of death. Osiris and Set are now bitter enemies but Osiris gladly acceded to the leadership of Horus-Re when Ra chose Horus to succeed him. Osiris also despises and works against Mask. He is friendly with Kelemvor, for they have similar ideas about death and the undead.

Dogma: Goodness, honor and order are the natural state and that which leads to evil, treachery and chaos is by rights unnatural and unlawful. Goodness and harmony come from living within maat rather than fighting it. An organized approach brings the most good for all. Laws exist to bring prosperity to those under them. The pharaoh and his representatives set laws as guidelines for honorable action within Mulhorand’s tradition. Those guidelines must be applied with honor; when honor is lacking in their application, the fair judgment of Osiris is the law. The justice of Osiris is a lack of partiality. Be not angered without justice. Great is justice when it is even-handed; in the eyes of truth, a slave and the pharaoh are as one.


Lord of Crocodiles, the Smiling Death Symbol: Crocodile head wearing a horned and plumed headdress Home Plane: Heliopolis Alignment: Neutral evil Portfolio: River hazards, crocodiles, werecrocodiles, wetlands Worshipers: Druids, inhabitants of crocodile-infested areas, rangers, werecrocodiles Favored Weapon: “The Sorrowful Spear” (Longspear, shortspear or halfspear)

Cleric Alignments: CN, LN, NE NwN Domains: Animal, Evil, Water, Reptilian

History/Relationships: Sebek is the poor relation of the Mulhorandi pantheon, effectively an outcast. Although he is not formally banished, he is simply ignored. Most of the Mulhorandi deities view Sebec with condecending scorn and the Lord of Crocodiles returns their antipathy. Sebek has worked with Set in the past but the Brother of Serpents treats Sebek with contempt and uses him only as a temporary ally of convenience. Even Malar harasses Sebek, angry at this foreign deity holding even a tiny part of the portfolio of lycanthropes.

Dogma: Hunt or be hunted. Kill intruders in the swamps, weed out the weak, terrify human commoners and weaklings into propitiating Sebek, dominate your fellows and eventually turn the world into one vast swamp. Seek recognition for your acts in the name of the deity, for he is a powerful deity to be feared. You will be amply rewarded with choice of prey, wealth and territory when Sebek finally assumes the role within the pantheon that he deserves.


Defiler of the Dead, Lord of Carrion, Father of Jackals Symbol: Coiled cobra Home Plane: Heliopolis Alignment: Lawful evil Portfolio: The desert, destruction, drought, night, rot, snakes, hate, betrayal, evil magic, ambition, poison, murder Worshipers: Assassins, blackguards, brigands, criminals, rogues, thieves, tomb robbers, wizards Favored Weapon: “The Spear of Darkness” (longspear, halfspear or shortspear)

Cleric Alignments: LE, LN, NE NwN Domains: Air, Darkness, Evil, Hatred, Law, Magic, Reptilian

History/Relationships: Set, brother of Osiris, is the most evil deity worshiped in Mulhorand. The son of Geb and long-forgotten Nut, his birth was horrific, for he tore himself free from his mother’s womb and sprang upon the world as a fould and hideous thing. He challenged the authority of Osiris for the leadership of the gods upon the death of Ra during the Orcgate Wars, slew Osiris (who was later brought back to life by Isis) through trickery and was then defeated by Horus-Re who then cast him out. Set schemes against all the Mulhorandi, with the exception of Sebek, whom he exploits. His only ally is Tiamat, for both gods have found common cause in undermining the power of the other deities of the Old Empires. His recent excursions outside Mulhorand have attracted the attention of Bane, Cyric and Talos, all wanting to steal his power.

Dogma: The ends justify the means and life is a struggle to be won by the powerful and the ruthless. Loyalty to one’s comrades is admirable as long as it advances the cause of Set and in the end, when Set accedes to his rightful throne, those that have served him well will be justly rewarded. Destroy the clergies of Horus-Re and Osiris, thus accelerating Set’s establishment at his rightful place as god-king of Mulhorand and spread the cult of Set throughout the world. Sacrifice both wealth and sentients to Set.


Lord of Magic, Scribe of the Gods, the Keeper of Knowledge Symbol: Ankh above an ibis head Home Plane: Heliopolis Alignment: Neutral Portfolio: Neutral magic, scribes, knowledge, inventions, secrets Worshipers: Loremasters, scribes, those who craft magic items, wizards Favored Weapon: “Knowledge Keeper” (quarterstaff)

Cleric Alignments: CN, N, NE, NG, LN NwN Domains: Knowledge, Magic, Spells

History/Relationships: Thoth is one of the oldest deities of the Mulhorandi pantheon, second only to Ra (now dead) and Geb. He is allied with Horus-Re, Isis and Osiris and works to oppose Set. In recent years he has forged contacts with likeminded gods of the Faerunian pantheon as well, including Azuth, Deneir, Gond Oghma Mystra and Savras.

Dogma: Learn all you can and help to spread wisdom throughout the world. Research magic, protect the secrets of Thoth and spread magic throughout Mulhorand. Explore new invention and better ways of doing things, pushing the limits of engineering, architecture and magic item construction. Protect Mulhoran from the tratorous Red Wizards of Thay and undermine their efforts at every possible turn. Use weaponry as little as possible, for magic is your weapon.