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Handling Spam Bots

I noticed when using EFUSL that you're required to do some scripty stuff while IG to actually use it properly, this has lead me to wonder whether the same script could be used to create new forum accounts, so the only way to create a new forum account would be by logging into EfU via NWN and typing in some code to designate your account name and password. The spam bots are a royal pain and this should stop them in their tracks. The only concern with this that I can think of is driving away newbies, but I'm sure most, if not all new players log into EfU before logging into the forums, and even if some discovered us first via the forums, they can easily be informed how they can create an account.

Not too sure about scripting but I beleive that would mean creating a different forum account for every Gamespy account name, which can cause a few problems with players with multiple accounts.

Not to mention new players who find the message board before they log into the game and want to ask questions.

Registering can be explained when they try to post and if they had any queries they can simply email the DMs.

It would not create a different forum account for every Gamespy account name, you would simply have to be logged in and type something like /c createaccount <Desired forum name> <Desired password>

I like this idea, thumbs up :) (if possible, that is)

They don't seem like such a problem to me.

That's because DMs continuously delete them 24/7

ExileStrife, how easy would it be to hook up EFUSL to the forums in various ways?

With a command like /c <account name> <email> <password> ?

I'll look into it.

Hell if you could do that, it might be convenient to let players mail letters from IG.

/c mail <topic> <message>

Might have to toss in the ability to throw in paragraph breaks, but if a standard post template could be made it would be nifty.