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A man's drink

Enough said.

One day, everyone will be drinking this. Its the new water !

It tastes like ogre piss and makes your arse fall off.

It doesn't just make women look more attractive; it makes -everything- look more attractive.

Its dark beer, how can it possibly be bad? Its not like it was -french- beer, which is catastrophic. I imagine it as a kind of doppelbock. Goes straight to the head and you're KO after the sixth.

Its dark beer, how can it possibly be bad? Its not like it was -french- beer, which is catastrophic. I imagine it as a kind of doppelbock. Goes straight to the head and you're KO after the sixth.

It might be an idea to have the dwarven clan test this theory

In the name of good sportsmanship i offer to test it. On the grounds that my dwarf will drink anything if it smells like ale, looks like ale or wnat ever. If i die..... well nothing much you can say to that.