2006-11-24 02:54:08 UTC
Guess who's back...
Back again...
Harlstar's back...
Tell a friend.
everyone abord to the dancefloor, to the dance floor, to the dancefloor. Alright, stop. Comence the rhymes.
Been in the relms, all my life, guess who's back with a brand new rap and i dont mean rap as in a new case of happy pills and "in your face" AHHHH, no worrys, harlstar's back with brand new toys, what else could i possibly do to destroy you boys? I killed in all servers, except for yours.
I gots me more happy pills and im ready to make 'em useless!
2006-11-24 05:08:36 UTC
*rubs head* how long did you spend thinking of that ryhme?
2006-11-24 05:18:56 UTC
about three seconds. It's called freeform.
You sir, are what we masters-of-music call a: Rappius Noobicle
2006-11-24 16:14:11 UTC
He pulled a yankovic with some Eminem, dont worry too much
2006-11-24 23:34:24 UTC
Oh yeah, forgot, OMFGallnamestaken ((namesaretaken)) is my sister RL and we almost live together (i see her all but fridays and saterdays, different dad). So bascily, if you are looking for Harlstar and you see OMFGallnamestaken log in just shoot me a tell and see if it's me or my sister, same works in reverse.
Also, due to Nalarolm "Nym" Elglass's life picking up and my not wanting to owe my sister the $20 for overdue DvDs i'll mostly be playing the OMFGallnamestaken account, so yeah, Harlstar's characters are still inactive, but if you wonna do somethin' with 'em, then just shoot me a tell IG. But if it's my sister, tough titties, wait longer (she doesnt know my pass anymore XD).
2006-11-28 21:42:32 UTC
For once i agree with him.
2006-11-29 04:35:31 UTC
Oh, shut up "dont-know-what-a-will-save-is boy!"