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OOC Roll Call

Roll call:

All active players leave the following please:

account name, character name, rank (if any), play times.

Thank you.

CoT_Heft, Orison Hallafat

Isildan, Caleb, 8 PM GMT

Kale playing times 8am to 12 am and 6pm to llpm Gmt

Shamus still is around. I don't have a general play time though.

its been a while... i dont remember my account name i think it was LowestOfAllSinners ... forgot my charachers name too... just started to play again and im not sure what my hours are going to be like. i believe my account is still there, ill have to see

LowestOfAllSinners, Nebral Quasan

-Scalebane-, Marcus Barnes, EST

Tooth is dead. Thanks for a great time, everyone!

Tsien, Klaus Hull, no rank, semi active (whenever i can get out and rl doesnt demand)

_Nightfire_, Criler, Erratic

scratch that...klaus is dead...only met one other sewer towner in his time too...*Cries*

please remove me from this forum..kkthx

Chanclegaunt, Donovan Chekhov, All over the place

Krunto, Unelor Ma'For, All over the place.

DangerousDan, James Lysik, Variable.

petey512, Sywyn Twilight and Spite. Play mostly on weekends.

Hello all.

WickerBag, Tilbrow, rather irregular playtimes, it's usually GMT evenings/nights.

sr.churrasco, Theodore Erhund, GMT -3 afternons + evenings.

Mourn Caluadra; GMT +10 at random times, H8ful Death to Clowns

Luinril, Jonathon Arenn, GMT +2 random times, more on weekends.

ArchbelleIncarnate, Uldur Riftshield, GMT, erratic right now.