2006-01-09 03:21:47 UTC
I'm pretty sure this guy charges too much for his little shortcut. I've never used it, and never seen anyone use it. I set up this little poll to see if I'm wrong. I'm thinking that maybe if this guy sees NO ONE using his services he may lower his price. Sound reasonable?
edit: Price is 20gp, in case you don't remember
2006-01-09 03:29:20 UTC
I'm not sure what the current price is, so I'm going to guess it's 25, but if it's bumped down to maybe 10-15 I'd probably start using it. That and he makes business off of the NPC Miners that "use" his shortcut, so I don't think there's a reason he would lower his prices.
2006-01-09 07:39:38 UTC
I've seen people use it to get back quick. Its like hopping the turnstyles at the subway :D
2006-01-09 07:44:15 UTC
Strife doesn't, mainly becuase he has no reason to. I don't think there are a lot of characters that really need to pay to get through it quickly, unless they really want to deliver that package :)
I think he should stay greedy. Good business from those miners late for work.
2006-01-10 05:49:50 UTC
I paid 100 gold once to take his shortcut.
2006-01-10 21:35:28 UTC
Huh. According to the poll so far, a whole third of you use it even at that price. I never would have guessed that. I guess we're not going to be seeing a price decrease anytime soon.
2006-01-10 23:54:55 UTC
You know that's just the DMs trying to cover things up.
Like a conspiracy >.>