2006-11-20 15:41:58 UTC
To Whom It may Concern:
My name is Alex Dourn, a resident of lower as you are. I am very new to town, and am very confused about the need for separation. I would like to talk with one of your members to see how married you are to the concept of separation, and the terms you set forth in your notice. It seems illogical and frankly dangerous to have a city separated by a lift, at bitter ends with one another. Reunification is in everyone's best interest and surely some negotiated settlement can be reached.
I know I am a simple nobody but I have made close friends with a likely victorious candidate for Upper Council, and would like to hear your concerns and see if I can do anything on my own to meet them.
Alex Dourn,
Pissing Crone Inn
2006-11-21 04:24:20 UTC
Have heart, in the event of a total collapse of relations, we'll probably blow up the lift and the Canal Gate will be heavily defended. Say Spellguard Special Agents drop down from the cliffs on hooks and wires--we'll have men down here waiting to jump them. There's a couple other ways to get down, I won't mention which ones but we'll have those covered too. As for how we stand, Lower is completely independent from Upper; we have our own everything you can think of and we's talking about opening relations with Cave Worms and Sewer Town folk.
Who's your friend?
Tommy Ten-irons
[Tommy sends Alex's letter to the ruined Tigereye fortress for the rest of Lower Council to read]
2006-11-22 00:21:33 UTC
Alex Dourn,
Please speak with me in person. I'm often at the Crone.
Orison Hallafat