Madam Helthor,
My name is Victoria Brackish. I am a native of Sanctuary, born in the old brothel, the Comely Inn, some thirty years ago by my best count.
I write to you with a hope that you will grant me sound advice and show me a path; Your wisdom and experience on the matter are much greater than my own, and even though I was born of a cesspool of filth and immorality, I assure you that the example of women like yourself is what allowed me to climb from that reality in search of true morality and duty.
Recently, Sanctuary has been the stage of such unspeakable atrocities as the orphanage massacre, and the Watch scandal involving slavers. I write to you seeking both advice and blessing in arranging for the foundation of a League of Morality. It is time Sanctuary embraced the idea that only through moral righteousness can we achieve salvation and be delivered from these depths like true human beings.
My ideas for this initiative are something I would rather discuss in private with you. I have few, but interested, folks who would come with me and hear what you have to say.
Furthermore, I would like to make clear that I will be campaigning heavily for yourself in these current elections.
My gratitude in advance, and all the best,
- V. Brackish