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Rothe Feast in Lower Sanctuary!

Flyers are posted in various places throughout Lower Sanctuary, and handed out the people. Also a citizen of Lower Sanctuary is highered to act as a town cryer till the event.

Good people of Lower Sanctuary, a rothe feast is to be held in your honor. The feast will be provided by Candidate Julian Fryar at the Beacon, tomorrow's dark.

Come one and come all, and find your bellies filled with good food. A bowl for every man, woman, and child.

Come and share in good company and in good tales. This night will be a celebration of the good people of Lower Sanctuary.

//OOC: This will be tomorrow night PST -8, 8:00PM Julian's time.

//Sorry, delaying this two hours. 10 P.M. PST.

More flyers are passed out, and posted

//OOC: postponed till this Sunday PST -8, 3:00 PM Terry's time.

pardon my timzone-confusion, but thats what 8pm CST -6? (chicago)

//5 P.M.

Flyers are removed and trashed