2006-11-18 02:59:57 UTC
So, she bit the dust. Sorry to anyone that had plans for her! However, someone had plans for her first. Lookie:
And so the Red Knights divine power comes to save Jastran! Or, steal her. Or something.
And it .. slowly, comes down.
Jastran joins her brothers in arms and faith in planning! (Note the stylish black armor!)
And so she gets to plan for all eternity, while missing the people who influenced her in the Underdark.
Oh. And her armor is better then all your armors. Put together.
I'd like to thank everyone who made a difference in her character. I won't list names, because the list is so long, that I know I'll forget people, and don't want anyone to feel left out. Hopefully she'll be remembered for all she did, in all of her aliases. I need a new character to play. Until then, toodles!
2006-11-18 04:03:44 UTC
....whats with the funny portraits?
2006-11-18 04:42:49 UTC
yeah gj on that, Red Knigh follower heh? I like the ideology.
those are the part of the official efu portraits, thomas. lots peeps used them.
2006-11-18 05:13:47 UTC
Sigh. So many things I wanted to find out about her. Illithid Skin Graft tests... Illithid Implant tests... the list goes on. Well done, HyperVision. I loved to hate Jastran.
2006-11-18 13:59:52 UTC
Good luck with your next character :)
2006-11-19 02:59:12 UTC
My armour is better. And i'm not dead.
An eternity of <3 for Runt!
2006-11-24 21:36:42 UTC
*sings hateful versions of nursery rhymes*
HyperVision! So cool.