Mikhail The Heretic
2006-11-16 08:09:07 UTC
Dear Councillor,
As Legal owner of the House of Light i thought that i should keep you informed of what is going on with it at the moment, A certain Blackhaw has been Appointed by an orginisation out with the House of Light to Adminster it.
I have had quite enough of this persons insults to my name and the name of my fellow members as far as i am concenred this person has no right to do what is being done. I have enclosed copies of correspondace between myself and Blackhaw and a letter left for members at the rock.
Please contact me at your earliest convenience.
Snorri son of Gotrek
Acolyte of the House of Light
2006-11-16 11:22:23 UTC
-The letter is received and a reply is penned.
Mr. Snorri,
thank you for this information. I will be contacting you soon in order to hold a short meeting on the subject.
-Councillor Demetrius Bhast
Mikhail The Heretic
2006-11-22 13:34:07 UTC
Dear Councillor,
Please find enclosed copies of further correspondance with blackhaw, also a letter sent from a "Coucillor" Tommy who claims to represent lower. i have forwarded copies to your representitive in this matter, Barrister Fawkes as well.
Yours sincerely,
Snorri son of Gotrek
Acolyte of the House of Light
*A copy is also sent to Barrister Fawkes*