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Elithrar and Kel's Deaths and tranformations

Everything here leads up to the death's of Elithrar and Kelthein (Kel the Broken Blade)

Alright a little story to this screen shot, the whole time we are in there the Wizard Zand is screaming at the top of his lunges. He what's answers to what happened to Dunwarren. After being attacked heavily, we come to the large door with no key.

It is determined that Zand's head is the answer.

Next we have Elithrar and me, as prisoners. Leading up to this Kel fell in the caves and Elithrar bought me back to life. Now both of us near death (I think >.>) I summon a Earth elemental to cover our escape. So we run... We hear the scraping of hundreds of cawls beneath the ground. After making it back to Garl, we thought it safe.... Wrong! After several Earth elementals Elithrar and me are captured and dragged back to our new home.

Everyone forgive me, I didn't get screenies of the fight, but I was able to get the exchange between everyone, after I was delivered to the fugue.

Also as a side note, don't ever be that one person who tries to be heroic and help a friend live by giving his life. This is the underdark, doesn't work that way.

After my daring act of self sacrifice, and by the blind rage of Urdlen, I was brought back... as a mole, and found Elithrar was one as well. See self sacrifice, its dumb. There's no dialogue here because alot of it was //OOC, so I just got us in mole form. To give you an idea of what happened, we were commanded to lead a mole attack against Sanctuary. We burrowed into the Grotto of the Rock Bottom and from there wrecked havoc on every NPC and PC around. Surprisingly, the Rock was empty, but it quickly filled up with PCs. I was killed shortly in the Rock, Elithrar had a greater success making it out of the Rock and into the streets.

Celebration after mole death and destruction. You need to attached lasers to our heads next time Cawila! :twisted:

So after much talk with Cawila and celebration on a attack well done. We are delivered to the Fugue, where Kel's soul now wanders. Here's to everyone, had a blast and see ya with my next character.


The sig says it all :D

As one of the PC's who ran into the Rock and fought the moles i can say it was a really great big of surprise DM intervention... Also great to know there was loads of background to why you guys were moles attacking the Rock :)

Good death, well done :) and thanks to Cawilla :)

Yep my newbie character didnt have time to even exclaim "what the" before he was lieing in a pool of his own blood in one hit in the rock. I played the corpse for a bit, but found somebody had looted my potions and gold when I "recovered" , some people just cant control themselves.

Was all good fun i'm sure, makes me a bit sad you cant view the events around your corpse for a while after you die. (ie. spirit lingers over corpse) before you decide to go to fugue.

Glad it ended interestingly for you :)