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Dante, Rock Bottom Inn, Upper Sanctuary

Midsummer, 151

Freeman Dante:

Thank you for your letter. I'm delighted to hear that you're not afraid of Lower's urchins and refugees.

The Beacon is open and operating.

You are invited to join. Bring friends.

Kindly read the Charter posted next to the front door. That is the guideline from which we work.

Good dark,

- Blackhaw c/o Room 3, Pissing Crone Inn


I will try to locate you my next venture into Lower. If you spot me first, I am a finely aged gentleman with bright amber hair and a darn handsome physique. And lets not forget the distinguishable moustache either.

I hope to see what The Beacon can offer those in need.

Lightwalker Dante

Freeman Dante:

Perhaps I misunderstand the cause of "membership" in the former House of Light.

What the Beacon can offer those in need is entirely dependent on the initiative and resourcefulness of those adventurers, priests and well-off citizens who give of their time and talents to improve the situation in Lower.

Would this not, by definition, be any and all "members"?

Perhaps you may understand my belief that the Beacon should be a flurry of activity and tangible results. Given the history of negligence at that property, I've drawn up a Charter. Please use it to guide any activities at the Beacon.

If you know May Silas, please seek her out. I've given her a list of the Beacon's most immediate needs.

Good dark,

- Blackhaw c/o Room 3, Pissing Crone Inn