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Do away with the Slavers!

Sanctuary does trade with a race of slavers and theives. Grey-skinned wretches who rob the earth of a bounty they are not worthy of. Cowards who would seek to raise axe and hammer to enslave this city if the Morndinsamman saw fit to spare the wretches the strength of a true Dwarf.

The Dwarves, even the gods, wonder why this city who prides themselves on their abolishing of slavery would do trade with a race of slavers. If Drow were too weak to force their chattel into shackles, yet still just as wicked, would this city still barter for mere coin with the scum?

I would think that the men and women who house themselves in Dumathoin and Grumbar's realm would think better of the gift which the Duergar so recklessly steal.

Councilors and Candidates, what will you do? The Earth will not abide these crimes and disrespect forever and soon the very earthen walls you use for solace and protection will crumble before you for the foes who would rape what you value. Do away with the Duergar miners and clansmen who care only for coin. Demand their departure and allow a more worthy people to replace them. The mettle and skill of true dwarves surpasses whatever filth a Duergar could twist with their stolen treasures.

Do this and the stone you stand upon will remain strong.

Talhund Obryn Morunden The Stoutheart Clan