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Speeches and flyers by Leon Belmont.

[This speech was held in the Town Hall, but posters and a few fliers are placed though-out Upper Sanctuary as well]

People of Sanctuary, I have a message for you all.

Soon an important day will come, a day of which the people who can bring Sanctuary forward or bring it to ruin will be chosen, so I ask you the citizens of Sanctuary to make your choice wisely and examine these candidates carefully, they are the people who will aid our Sanctuary or unmake it. The typical candidate will do all that can be done to win or to stay in power, they will even give up their morality, their honor and their beliefs to succeed.

Their policies will be ever-changing, changing merely to fit the current mind set and to gain as much votes as possible, but there are the few, people like Julian Fryar and Shane who truly wants the power only to aid you, the people of Sanctuary, to protect your lives and the lives of your families, these rare few will not throw away their morality, their honor or their beliefs merely for power, they are here truly and only for your own good.

The lack of morality, the lack of compassion and the lack of honor is a weakness that we cannot afford to bear. So look deep into your candidates, look into their soul and look at the actions they will do to achieve their promises.

As I walk and look about in the streets of Sanctuary, I find that our Society has fallen too far, we have fallen too close to the societies of the evil and slaving races of the Underdark such as the Drow, the Beholders, the Duergars and the Illithid, the very same slavers we fled from, yet it is in our nature to ask this question. “How do we survive in one of the darkest corners of Faerun surrounded by such foul and cruel enemies without being as ruthless and harsh as our enemies?” This is indeed how the societies of the Underdark survive, by giving up their moral codes, their honor, their beliefs and their compassion, yet these societies are blind.

Sadly we are becoming blinded like them, blinded to the truth; we have allowed corruption and hatred into our beloved Sanctuary. Our society is starting to forget that there is another way!

You might ask again “How can we being deep in the darkest corners of Faerun hope to stand against such great evils that surround and are within us?” First do not flinch, do not despair and do not lose hope! There is always an option of good or evil, right or wrong. To triumph against such great odds, we must be a Light in the Darkness and a Light that will not be consumed or extinguished by the Darkness.

To achieve my goals in aiding and protecting you, the people of Sanctuary from the Darkness that surrounds us. I shall work to create stricter laws against necromancy, to create stricter guidelines and rules in which the Watch or the Spellguard should act accordingly to and to ban evil slavers like the Duergars and the Thayans from our soil, but be assured I will never give up my morality, my honor or my beliefs to achieve my goals, I live by this doctrine “The ends do not justify the means, only through good is good truly done

We are above corruption and we are above depending on slavers, the very same kind of evil we fled from, it is our own who should be earning our gold not these slavers who likely will turn against us when we are down.

I will let you, the people of Sanctuary to decide on who you want to lead your beloved Sanctuary, but Shane, Julian Fryar and I shall not let our beloved Sanctuary down; we shall strive only to make Sanctuary stronger, free of corruption and safer for its people, so if you share our beliefs and concerns, you know where to turn to in the coming election of Eleasis.

But do not forget, the only way we can triumph, the only way we can be different and above our enemies is through Morality, Compassion, Honor, Faith and Justice.

- Candidate Leon Belmont, Paladin of Torm.

    Just earlier today I mentioned in my first speech for my Campaign about the need for Morality, Honor and Justice in our beloved Sanctuary and of my goals, but I’m sure most of you would like to hear more of the issues I will work to solve and about me.

    I am Leon Belmont, Paladin of Torm and Knight of the Order of the Golden Lion, a surface Order of Knights devoted to Torm. For much of my life I served Torm and worked to aid the people of Tantras and protect them from evil. I came to Sanctuary due to strange circumstances, but I believe Torm has brought me on this path for a reason and I believe the reason is that he wishes me to aid the people of Sanctuary and to defend them from the great evil’s that lurk in the Underdark.

    With Torm’s guidance I shall guide Sanctuary towards integrity, morality, justice and honor, too long has our beloved Sanctuary been in the Darkness, too long have we allowed evil to corrupt our people.

    These are issues that we must solve; these issues are a serious threat to our integrity and our sense of justice.

  • Torture: I am sure many of you who still remember being tortured at the hands of the evil slavers of the Underdark and I can understand why you might think we should react as harshly against our enemies, but this is wrong, it is the way of our enemies. Sanctuary should have clearer laws against torture, I will work towards banning it entirely, and no one not even the Watch or the Spellguard should use torture in interrogating prisoners and criminals.

  • Execution by stoning: This is a barbaric way of executing our criminals, why can we not give them a swift death if death is required to be their punishment? Are we not better than our enemies, do we not have more integrity than our enemies? We shouldn’t allow this; we shouldn’t enjoy watching anyone being executed, we shouldn’t throw stones at them until they are dead, this isn’t justice, rather it is a mockery of justice and it is the way of our enemies.

    I will work towards implementing a better way of executing our criminals, they shouldn’t be allowed to walk away without being punished for their crimes, but at least let us grant them the mercy of a swift death done by an executioner. They might not show us the same mercy, but we aren’t like them, we aren’t the monsters we fight, we are a people with a sense of morality and justice.


    We live in a dark land called the Underdark; the Underdark is one of the darkest corners of Faerun, I understand what all of you suffers. You, the people of Sanctuary cannot even walk in peace and safety, you cannot even sleep with a peace of mind, knowing that your family and love ones will be safe. Instead we live in fear, in fear that tomorrow any of the great evil’s that surrounds us could strike at our beloved Sanctuary, taking away the lives of our children and our families.

    This is also why we cannot allow evil and corruption to enter our beloved Sanctuary and this is why we must not fight our enemies using their ways, if we do so we will merely become these monsters we seek to defeat. Once we become these monsters, we will lose the very same virtues which brought us to create this Sanctuary, a Sanctuary where our children, our love ones and our families can live in peace.

    We shouldn’t, no we cannot allow this to happen. This is such a dark and cruel land, but why do we allow it to become any darker? No, we shouldn’t, we should instead make our beloved Sanctuary into a bastion of morality, integrity, honor and justice.

    Let our courage, our honor, our sense of morality, integrity, justice and goodness overcome these great evil’s which surrounds us.

    I will not rest and I will not take one step backwards until I know that our families, our love ones and our children can rest and play in Sanctuary safely without a fear of evil and until our beloved Sanctuary has become a bastion of morality, justice and goodness in this dark land.

    - Candidate Leon Belmont, Paladin of Torm.

[More posters and flyers are placed and given out in Upper Sanctuary]