To the members of the lower council,
I have written to ask you why little progress has been made since we have declared our independence from upper. I do recognise and appreciate your efforts of putting together a lower law enforcing organisation however without even a basic set of publically visable laws, how are these footmen able to enforce order and justice?
Secondly I wish to address the surplus of goblins and kobolds in lower I have seen recently. Why do these pathetic excuses of a race dwell within our walls whilst they do nothing to earn their keep? I have heard storys of the goblin tribe being able to effectively beat off a well equipped and organised group with little loss to their own since they breed like wildfire. Perhaps these goblins could be used to defend our town against attack in return for proper citizen rights and proper shelter.
Thirdly is the worm cave clan, they seem oblivious to the fact that their territory also stretches over the canal gate which is a crucial defence for Lower and that two lightly armoured humans for guard duty is a mockery. I urge you to force these savages to provide more protection to the gate or allow you to excerise your authority and support them with footmen.
If they refuse then more severe measures will be required such as forcing them out of their territory so we can enforce our town against attack such as the recent orog raid which is a excellent example as how the worm cave clan is unable to defend the gate without proper support.
I trust you will make the right decisions with the precious time we have before our gates are assualted again from even worse creatures.
Frem Hill.