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Sealed letter to the Lower Council and the Footmen


I have found and tried Nosirnyv for the crimes of Endangering the Peace, causing loss of life, and resisting apprehension, and found him as follows:

On the count of Endangering the Peace of Lower, I found him innocent by virtue of the fact that the Ogre Mage in question did not make itself known until Nosirnyv was within the gates, whereupon it unleashed several spells upon him. In this regard, it was no different than any other attack upon the gates where a creature has followed an unwitting adventurer.

On the count of causing loss of life, he was found innocent as well, for the same reason. It is the responsibility of those at the gates to ensure that those within are safe, and as we cannot prove that Nosirnyv maliciously led the Ogre Mage within, we cannot lay the entirety of the guilt for this tragedy at his feet.

On the count of resisting apprehension, he was found guilty of two counts, and sentenced. The Mage in question had earlier slain all of Nosirnyv's companions, and Nosirnyv had generously paid for their ressurrection out of his own pocket. None of those he returned were expected to repay him. Therefore I judged that he should be fined 600 coins (the amount he paid out of his own pocket for the return of his cohorts) for -each- of the citizens that fell that day to his folly. Until the moment that he fled, he was relatively free of guilt. I see no reason why the generousity that he extended to the adventurers should not be extended to those who his folly has injured.

He has been given three days to deliver 5400 coins to myself or another member of the temple of Hoar. Should he fail to do so, he will be pursued again. If he cannot pay, service to the Republic of Lower will be accepted in lieu of his debt to the community. Perhaps the footmen will find a place for him upon the wall, to ensure that a tragedy of this sort never happens again while he still bears the shame of his folly.

Harbinger Gideon Sloane "Butcher"

*A small note is added to the bottom for the Thomas*

Thomas, if he choses service to lower, I expect that you will ensure that he is treated fairly, and that his tenure with the footmen ends with him being more or less as he was when it began.


[sent to Lower Council, Footmen and Hoar's Temple]

Ferius Worn led me to Nosirnyv's body. Seems two sneakthieves got him in a dark alley by the Canals. Ferius tossed 4000 which belonged to the elf, which I'll hand to Lower Council.

Footman Tommy