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Lucien's How To : a few tips for thievery/banditry

Here's some screenies of a hilarious event which happened.

Lucien Deauxfortes was walking alone, and met a bandit on the road. Here is what happened. (I'm afraid I was so roffling my head off that i forgot to screenie it during the event. But i got the convo)


HAHA well done!

The //scratch that, wasn't meant to remove the "-you hear snickering from the shadows-" but the fact that I accidentally attacked Lucien right before that. >_>

So, there were hidden bandits laughing theyr asses off in the shadows :)

See this is nice.

Most people would have just cut through him.

Kudos to Aekula for solving the problem with something other than his blade!!

I would say Kudos to Druqks for allowing this to happen. He could have just said "shut up and die"



Yep thinking on the fly is great talent for that job :)


Haha! Own3d!1

Now thats a heist. And no one dropped dead.


"What... what the hell were you trying to do?"

"Errr.. I tried to do that... disarming grip thingie."

"Tsk, no no no... you're doing it all wrong. See, you need to hit this and this spot..."

"Like this?" *WHACK*

*Other guy drops* "Yeeeah.." *thump*



chaosprism Yep thinking on the fly is great talent for that job :)

Something I suck at. Lovely.

Haha...classic! Nicely played crew.