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Lower Councillors

To each of the Lower Councillors.

Reminder; we must meet tomorrowdark. Don't be late. There's a lot to discuss. I expect each of you to forward your plans you've set up for the betterment of Lower. Topics will be:

# Council member Security, # Recruitment of Footmen # Renovation plans ---------------------------- # Upper's law enforcers # Clan Cave Worm # Golden Mercenaries / Tigereyes (?) # Use of the former Tigereye Fortress # Lower Council House # House of Light # Hoaran Temple / Place of Justice (?) # Justicars # Uninhabited part of Lower -----------------------

[A crud line has been drawn connecting "Renovation plans" with "Uninhabited Part of Lower" , together with the unsteady handwriting it would appear Scent was in a rush]

Councillor Scent.

[ 9PM GMT. ]