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Thanath Dhyms for Council - Campaign for truth.

Dear Brothers and Sisters of Sanctuary,

-My name is Thanath Dhyms; like most of you I am a simple man with simple needs: Freedom, security, nourishment, but most importantly Truth!

-What good is freedom if we are but a pawn in a tyrant's deceitful game?

-What good is security if our law enforcement group is rampant by cravenous slavers? Enough, we are deceived at all times by those wishing to fulfill their own agendas; Today I stand for the common man, at the doors of the council! I will speak and represent each and everyone wishing for the betterment of our settlement. - - - First, I will introduce a bit about myself, since by sharing my intimaticy I respect the ideal that I wish to set for our city:

Who am I? My name is Thanath Dhyms, I was raised as an orphan in Sanctuary. I worked mainly at the docks, as a trader; I have establish good business there, and those that knows me can speak that my trades have been always synergic in their outcome.

Until very recently, I had adopted a small child of my own, little Vic, a very smart boy, he was my joy, my legacy into this world. Alas, he is no more... he dissapeared one day, probably kidnapped by that slaver ring... He is the reason I started to train, and adventure outside of town. And he is the reason I am writing this, and going with my goal of being a councillor, as it will be a legacy worthy of representing his potential! Little Vic will be remembered, as with every other orphans that suffered such a disgusting faith...

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What do I plan as a Councilor?

- Transparency, I plan to make every decisions involving your hard-earned gold known to you. It is an essential requirement to battle corruption, and a requirement for people to have faith in the council and their decision. By lacking faith in our council, we lose that feeling of belonging to an ideal greater then any of us, and with that lost, do our brothers engage in acts of criminality. By restoring faith, shall we battle criminality, not by paying extra for enforcers such as the Tigereyes.

-More transparency, each of our public organizations is rightly founded, but their lack of communication and diplomacy with the population creates conflict. Such is the faith of the Spellguard, and the Watch. The allocation of their budget should be made available to the population, their actions as well, and what transpire in the jailhouse and workshop should be also discussed. For if they had faith in our population and gave them the trust to share their knowledge, perhaps their reputation would improve and our town would benefit from this harmony.

-Openess, most councillors we have had, I did not have the pleasure to meet because they spent most of their time locked in the townhall. This will NOT be the case, no longer. I plan to make WEEKLY special OPEN reunions to discuss ideas for improvement in the population, where you can share you thoughts directly with your representatives!

-Situation of lower, through our lack of trust, and truth that led to the lower citizens of Sanctuary to gradually lose faith in our leadership, let them know that they still hold voice for they are my brothers and sisters, and our blood is stronger than any misconception. If it is their wish to live in harmony as twin cities, sharing different political regime, I plan to respect that and reestablish TRUST between our two cities, but they need to express their voice, and vote, for they still represent the majority of sanctuary, and so the relative most important group which has been often neglected in the past...

Finally, I'd like to add that I will try to work closely with the sanctuary times to keep you all INFORMED of the problems, decisions, and confrontations our town might be facing, -

As a councilor, I am a representative of your voices, and that link will remain throughout my term.

I will not allow nobles, nor this title to distance your claims from the council.

Thank you for reading, and please remember that the greatest leader are always the greatest servants.

-Citizen Thanath Dhyms

Greetings Citizens of our Sanctuary,

Some more points I would like to preserve:

    Religious Beliefs: Sanctuary is a great multicultural society taken from all over Faerun, our differences are our strengths, and should be respected. Slandering, or discrimination based on belief will not be tolerated, I vote to construct a section of our town to dedicate altars, not to one god, but to the gods represented by our population - decided in another vote. Allocation will be based on number of faithful and space, that way , no major faith of our town will feel neglected.

I believe there is good behind each of the words of our candidates. However the idea to sacrifice a bit of freedom, to ensure a bit of security will end up that we will lose both. - as we have so often viewed in the past. - truth always surface and the scandals it creates at times is enough to ensure that truth should be cherish, not hidden.

This was a small disclosure from council candidate Thanath Dhyms for our Sanctuary.

Greetings citizens of our Sanctuary,

A thought came to me from a concerned citizen that our employment seems to be lacking, as well as our education - The resolves this issue,

    Apprentices: Children who have came to our town must stop to wander the streets and enter the mentorship of more senior citizens, immediatly. Whether they serve to help our smiths, farmers, carpenters, scribes, librarian, cook, or even our law enforcement organization and the council. Every organization/or individual which takes in an orphan to feed and train will be granted a steady INCOME from the council. This will insure that the time given to safeguard the future of our town is compensated.
    Animatrons: Animatrons are stealing your jobs! A well-trained soldier is a much better defender than an already-broken piece of machinery which was re-animated. These machine could be disrupted at any time by powerful magic and turned against us! - Do you wish to see your gold to go in maintenance of these "intimidating" yet fragile machines, or toward having more work for every citizens, and better equipment for our "living" defenders?
Thank you very much for your already precious time,

-Council Candidate Thanath Dhyms.