Elections draw near. I am sure most of you are preparing for the slew of Posters, Speechs, and flyers that are to come. However, while this magnitude of campaigning is occuring, I promise you I shall not so much as a single poster place up, lest that time detract from the people. I will not waste a single moment of my term. I have sworn to aid the people, and so to them shall my time go. While candidates berate you with slogans, platforms, and promises which may or may not come to fruition, I shall be toiling away in my office, working to ensure that the people of this City are cared for.
You all know what I stand for. Increased Social Relief, Better Civil Defense, Improved Council Efficiency. If these are ideals which you give value to, vote for me.
If you would see my devoted work continue, if you would see me in another term, I ask you to voice your support. If not, then not a second shall I waste, in attempting to sway you. That second is better spent on securing the safety, and future of our city, Sanctuary.
Thank you, Citizens, and as always, Stay Safe."