Respected Sir,
As one of my Uncle's closest friends, I felt it best to inform you personally of what has happened to him.
Today, through what appears to be the aid of our trusted butler, Murp Tessel, an assassin made his way into my Uncle's Room, and slit his throat. After I slayed the Assassin, Murp turned on me, proclaiming that there would be "Death to the Archibalds". He ran out of the Room, but I managed to Blind and Deafen him, hindering his escape. He was detained, in the Entrance Hall, where he began to rant, and rave. He foamed at the mouth, still proclaiming Death to me and my family, and ultimately attacking me, before being sufficiently subdued.
Currently, it is believed that these two may have been the thrall's of Illithids, perhaps even Intryzz. I however, am unaware of any reason why Intryzz would wish my Uncle dead, nor why anyone would.
I would like to speak with you, soon. Hopefully you can shed some light on my Uncle's Life, and ultimately, his death.