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Posted Prominantly Near the Lower Lift


Let it be known that, in retaliation for the baseless assaults the spellguard have performed upon our councilors in an attempt to silence our voice here in Lower, I hereby excercise my perogative as military and security advisor. No longer is a spellguard, watchman, associate, civil defence league member or any citizen even remotely affilitiated with the watch or spellguard permited to walk these streets. Any who do so will be killed on sight, and such may even be considered an act of War on the behalf of the city of Upper Sanctuary. This proclomation will remain until the Council of Upper Sanctuary forces the elements of Upper intent on subverting lower are reigned in and disciplined.

-Councilor Delain Jarbey-

[A few small lines are scribbled]

Does this mean folk of Lower still vote for Upper Councilors?

[amendments are made]

This edict applies to uniformed and/or armed members of the institutions of Upper Sanctuary. Citizens with no affilliation will not fall under these measures.

[stamped with the seal of Lower Sanctuary]