[This poster is located in the most high trafficked areas of the Lower and Canal Wards. It is written on a clean and crisp piece of paper in a flowing and elegant hand.]
We are the people of Thay. Like you, we have been wronged. Like you, we have been persecuted. There are many lies spreading around about us. We hope to clear these up:
We are NOT Slavers.
We will not harm you or your family. We will not harm your friends.
We ARE Merchants.
We have come to you in peace. We have come to offer you magical goods and services. We have come to establish an Enclave within your settlement, and in that Enclave we shall produce magical goods which we will provide to you at a substantial discount.
We are NOT your enemies. We ARE your friends.
Whatever dealings you have had with our fellow Thayans in the past, remember that those were altercations with them, not us. We have pledged to not only obey the laws of your settlement, but if given the opportunity - to strive to aid you in upholding them.
Like you, we have been harmed by the tyrannical Spellguard. They have taken our friends, robbed them of their things, attempted to use their amateur tricks of the arcane to dominate the mind of one, and killed another in cold blood. They are murderers and thieves.
Yet, because we are law abiding individuals, we have stayed our hand. A Red Wizard is greater than any Spellguard Agent, yet we have pledged not to break any of your laws, and as such we have prostrated ourselves before Hoar and have asked for justice.
However, Hoar favors those who seek to bring those to justice. He favors action over inaction, we will not stand idly by and allow you or ourselves to be intimidated by the Tyrants of Upper. Should they descend upon you in waves and droves, to burn your children, to rape your wives, to pillage your homes, and to once again enslave you - we, the People of Thay - shall stand by your side.
We shall use our knowledge of the Arcane to the benefit of your settlement, and against those who you would call foes. We will stand by you, side by side, as citizens of Lower, men and women whose beliefs are startlingly similar to your own. We too wish to preserve a free and independent Lower, just as we wish to one-day return to the surface with you at our side.
Through the Might of the Red Wizards you will know true freedom. Freedom to sleep at night without fear of the Spellguard ensnaring your minds and turning you into thralls. Freedom to allow your children to play in the street without fear of Spellguard Animatrons crushing them beneath their metallic heels.
We, the Red Wizards and People of Thay offer you hope. We offer you cheaply priced goods and services so that you may better defend yourself if you are attacked. We offer you things that will aid you in your daily lives. These will be sold at a greatly discounted rate to any son or daughter of Lower who wishes to stand a greater chance of survival and for a higher quality of life. Furthermore, we will donate part of the profits from items sold to improve the conditions and safety of Lower Sanctuary.
Survival comes in embracing the collective around you and uniting in strength and honor to preserve one another against the assault of a common foe. We have valuable skills that can be used to aid you and that will increase the probability that we all survive.
We come in peace. We are your friends, not your foes. We offer you freedom from the fear. This is what we shall give to the Free and Independent Republic of Sanctuary.