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My girlfriend (Who you all know better as Canonball Ruby) was using my PC, I was sat in the front room reading when I heard an "AH!" I came into my room and saw this, I deftly reached over and got a screencap.

I don't know what she did, or anything, I just think it's a hilarious screenshot. What made it funnier was that they were all walking round, bumping into eachother and then waving and bowing and stuff.

neat is that in server or on one of the random modules you can download or make?

Someone missed locking something. You should report what area that was in so it doesn't happen again XD


Dilandau Kale neat is that in server or on one of the random modules you can download or make?

That is efu. Not saying where though

This happens when you open or try to access any containers linked to persistent storage. As far as bugs go, it's definitely my favourite though.

the worse thing was trying to get out of the room after

o, here's a fun game! Where's Ruby?

Staring Death Fireball!

Great Cleave!

ruby is standing where all the shadows converge to :)

A more fun spell here is of course:


There was a storage chest in a faction zone right next to an npc of a faction opposed to whatever one the suspicious man is in, when they all appeared they immediately went to attack the npc who proceeded to mop the floor with the hoarde of suspicious men :)

Yeah. It is the greatest bug we have, and I confess a fondness for finding out that my armoire's are stuffed to the gills with suspicious men sometimes.

This happened in the Seekers Hall one time and Grey, myself and Laramie had to kill them all so we could move around the damn place like normal. Funny thing was...there were soo many of them, that all 3 of us nearly fugued!

Cluckyx My girlfriend

I call Shenanigans.

as far as the rest goes, the care is just not there.

Nuclear Catastrophe Yeah. It is the greatest bug we have, and I confess a fondness for finding out that my armoire's are stuffed to the gills with suspicious men sometimes.

keep your suspicious men IN the closet thank you. We'll have none of that here! xD

Once, I opened a storage container with Shane and the suspicious men poured out. To get out of the room, Kor'us decided to attack the suspicious men, and was quickly killed. After contacting Howland for some help, the suspicious men cried out in unison: "Victory is ours! Back into the box!"

try a hellball :twisted:

The Suspicious Men are able to lay down a suspiciously large amount of ownage. Do not mess with them!

strength in numbers!

there are 50 there! - i think

Whirlwind attack!

no whirlwind attacks not gonna cut it, fireball the entire room