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A single notice tacked up outside the entrance to the Crone

This notice seems to have been written on what appears to be a large piece of cloth, and the writing seems to be that of dried blood. Given the choice of ink however the penmanship is surprisingly legable

Citizens of Lower,

I write this proclomation, this promise to you, with the blood of my very veins. I write it in a cell of the spellguard mages because their cabal of powerhungry cravens just finished removing from me my gold and dignity for refusing to bow to their tyrant's ways! This proclomation will ensure that the men of Lower no longer have fear such beasts as the spellguard and the Tigereye's. A vote for me at this election in lower will mean I will strive for the following things:-

--- The Spellguard and Watch will no longer be given the oppertunity to walk our streets without express permission of the current law enforcing bodies, and will be escorted at all times.

--- I will personally promise that the craven dogs of the spellguard will find rival to their insideous plans to dominate this city with their animatrons by the people of Lower. We will begin our own excavation, our own projects and our army of constructs will grow larger than anything they have yet salvaged

--- You yourselves will be given the chance to strike back at the spellguard and watch as trained, disciplined warriors under the guidance of Tempus. I promise that the House of Light and it's weak ways will be swept aside. In it's place a shrine to the Father of Battle will be erected. You, your wives, your children will be given the instruction and tuition they need to defend themselves against anything Upper dare send to take from you your families and things you hold more precious as before

--- I am sure many of you will remember the day the Tigereye's decended upon lower. Not a man can say he was not left the worse for it. They came, and they burned families in their beds. They killed all those who would not follow the Tyranical rule of upper that the council attempted to instill. They killed your friends and your families. What they did is unforgivable, and I would never ask you to blindly cleanse upper of their crimes. This is why I promise that I will see the council of upper drop to their knee's in front of the men, women and children of lower to BEG for forgivness before Lower Sanctuary will ever consider a policy of unification once more

--- The Golden Mercenaries and The Footmen will merge together to form the first army of Lower Sanctuary. They both claim to uphold the law of Lower, so let us then not splinter our forces. I will promise to pursue funding and organization of a structured army of the city of Lower Sanctuary. I will promise that any able bodied man or woman of Lower will be given the chance to fight for his family and earn their families bread and fruits on which to feast.

--- I promise that the corruption that has taken root in Lower since the demise of the Tigereyes will be stamped out before it is given the chance to flourish. Men of evil and cunning wiles will find my axe upon their neck. Tempus will judge those who would try to take advantage of the sacrafice you have made in removing the Tigereye's.

--- I promise, citizens of Lower, that I will shape your fledgling city into the military and disiciplined power that it needs to be in order to finally GRAB the ear of the upper council. To earn their respect, and ensure they send no more mercenaries to cull those of you who hold the ideals of true freedom.

So let us make Lower a true bastion for freedom, brothers. Let us make the ideals upon which this city was -meant- to be built upon shine like a beacon unto upper. Let us show them the corrupt ways of their council and their spellguard by living the lives that the Bresly's truely intended.

Give your favour to Delain Jarbey this day at the meeting. Give me your support and I promise to crush any darkness that would try to tread upon your lands once more!