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letter to Cyrus at the pissing crone

Oi there! Names Wil in case ye dont know Was wonderin what kinna jobs ye got, Im skilled at rat slayin-no job too big an no job too small! If ye have other work I may be interested too, always open to new ideas. Anyhow- I am the hansome hin fella with the ratskull tatoos on me hands, maybe ye seen me before ifn ye looked down of course! (Signed by a commisioned hasty hand)

There is a poster in my joint about the jobs.


Ah-well, then I aint seen it cause its posted so high. I am interested in the security job. People dont pay me no mind because of my stature but if someone gets out of line and draws steel against your bouncers-the bloke will sprout 2 arrow fletchings from the back O his head before you can clean a dirty mug! Ye should have my application pertaining to the job, I eagerly await ye reply.

Send it in. It'd better be good, because there ain't much hope of me hiring a hin to stomp a few skulls if things get rowdy.


*As Wilimek reads the missive his hands begin to shake in anger, he reads it again to ensure there was no misunderstanding, the application was sent in some time ago. He smiles darkly and mutters to himself* "Ee must not know of me, I am Wil, I am the terror of the sewers" *He begins to tear a piece of the missive off for everytime someone has made a false judgement based on Wils appearence - leaving a trail from the crone to the pumphouse a thousand pieces long. Wil shrugs and smiles again and mutters as he enters the pumphouse sewers...* "Where theres a Wil-theres a way