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Wilimeks Travels

The Beginning Wilimek was born to a local ratcather Finias ficklefinger and has spent most of his life in the lower portion of Sanctuary. His mother died of a terrible wasting disease while Wilimek was still young (Not too young to not remember her debilitative state and the stages of her demise). Finias proved to be a very abusive father and Wilimek was a victim of his reguler rages. During these rages Finias found that his son was quite fleet of foot and decided to capitalize on his sons ability. He began taking his son to work on a constant basis and used him as what could only be described as...."Lure". The arrangement worked perfectly for finias until one day Wilimek slipped on some rotten rothe meat in the sewers and was overtaken by several large rats. Wilimeks screams drew Finias from hiding and contributed to his immediate flight. The rats upon seeing a bigger meal gave chase immediately, wilimek having lost the strength to resist lay upon the stone floor bleeding from several wounds. The horrible screams from his father as the rats consumed him alive was forever etched in wilimeks mind. As he lay there waiting for the inevitable return of the vermin Wilimek spied a side tunnel and at that moment his life changed forever. The shadows of the tunnel seemed to be calling to Wilimek promising succor within the protective embrace of its shadow. Step by step wilimek found the strenth to leave that place and enter the deeper darkness of the tunnel. Soon the rats returned and he pressed against the passageway daring not to breath. The rats continued on down the main thinking their quarry had escaped another way. Wilimek left the tunnel, soon after finding his fathers mangled remains. The only thing salvaged from his father was his hunting short blade. Wilimek strangely felt no loss at this time with his fathers passing and upon inspection of the blade he saw only his reflection and a new sense of purpose- he would survive and even prosper, all of Lower sanctuary would know his name. The shadows would be his shield and his skills would be his Sword. Wilimek took his fathers savings and commisioned his first tatoos-one upon the back of each hand depicting a ratskull denoting his trade and hatred of vermin which continues to this day.

Years pass.... I have been busy slayin rats for whoever was willing to pay for as long as I can remember. I have noticed that the rats have been breedin unchecked in the dunwarren section of lower. Nobodys payin to clear them so I does it for free. I have been watchin these new fellas enter sanctuary swaggerin around in their fancy armor and bulging purses-adventurin types they are. I have been thinking and have decided to take up the adventurers trade. Sure-I will take out a few rats along the way but my funds are low an my bellies grumblin. Dont see what makes them more special than I, and I aim to show em my worth. (One month later) I made a few friends. One fellas name is Amal-hes a kind elf with a keen eye for quality companions. Thats cause he chooses me to travel with often. Hes pretty smart in that regard and hes a wagglin them fingers of his and callin his Gods fury down upon our enemies on a reguler basis. Dont recall his Gods name but it makes me feel all funny inside when he blesses me. My other friends name is Tagnar and he deserves his own page entirely. (Flips page)

I cannot stand being overlooked, pushed around, and sometimes stepped on by the bigger-folk. These instances are occuring more often lately-or maybe I am just starting to notice.I find my temper is getting shorter around the bigger-folk. Me and a fellow hin tried findin work today only to be told there was no need for a hins talents. What the hells that supposed to mean? The hin are a diverse race having many skills to offer. This fellow just laughed and dismissed us with a wave. Tearin out his gonads crossed my mind, and as he walked away I found myself staring at that small spot in his back as my longknife slid halfway from its sheath. I dismissed this from me mind as I knew his fellows would have cut us down, we were outnumbered. I find Manlings an arrogant lot but they look after one another and I find that trait one that I would like to see in my own race. The hin are not as numerous as the others in sanctuary and are usually found in Bigger-folks company. But one day...I will find a group of hin of many talents and together we will show these manlings what each of us can do without their help or their pity. Later the same day I heard of two manlings who were attacked and robbed by a lone hin. I could have burst out laughing on the spot but I found myself in mixed company. Imagine-a lone hin besting two armed men. Dont get me wrong, I dont wish the humans any misfortune on a wide scale but I have a funny feeling the attack was right in one way or another. I am trying to find this hin, maybe if he shares my thoughts we can band together. Who knows. Towards the end of the cycle I met a hin named Saroki. Shes new to the city and has an intresting opinion of things. Fresh and new-I find myself drawn to her and want to know more about her. She wrote me two letters just to say hello and those cost gold too! She must find me intresting too, perhaps she too will share my dream of the hin fellowship. Who knows.

Saroki read some cards for me today. She drew a devil card which she explained stood for either death or meant I was evil. Ole Janus said there aint no way I was evil (He said he could tell) so.... She drew her own cards next and explained she was to be married to some Knight fellow and said that scared her. I took this to mean I was doomed to a bad end and she was to be happy without me. I got angry and sad at the same time. She also told me she was attacked by a fellow named Tash but that it was Ok because they were friends. Sometimes she angers me with her apparent innocence and vulnerability but I find myself wondering how best to protect her. She will be the doom of me I know it, but at the same time I feel drawn to her side to bask in her company. If Im to fall-I could think of worse deaths. So there I was walking and talking with the lovely Saroki when some fool elf starts screaming about an impending attack on the lower. I looked back the way he came and saw nothing so I dismissed it entirely, that is until the sending... The lower was under attack by a large force of Orogs and the canal gate was breached! I felt the shadow of death fell on me at that moment and at the same time I had this burning anger surge up from my belly and I needed to release it. Saroki and I proffessed our love at this moment (I think she felt the foreboding too) and we ran as fast as we could to the canal gates relief. Along the way I noticed the people of lower fleeing away from the canal gate in an effort to reach safety (Which did not exist). I also noticed there was a sizable force of misfits running to defend the gate. There were humans, faerie folk, hin, dwarves, and even a few half-orcs drawn together for a common defense of their home. I felt such pride at that moment, all petty differences were cast aside, grudges forgotten, goals delayed, all that mattered was the gate had been breached and someone was going to pay! What ensued at the gate was the embodiment of complete and utter magnificent chaos. The sounds of battle were deafening, the screams of the dying, the barking of orders, the clang of steel on steel, and that of bodys crashing against one another and falling to the ground. I stared in awe at the field of battle as my bowstring thrummed countless times scoring wounds along the enemies flank. The battle continued and the blood flowed. We pushed them back to their hole and killed all who opposed us. It was violent, it was cruel, and it was just. I saw several defenders ripping personal items from the Orogs no sooner than they hit the ground, then continue on immediately to slay the next Orog. It was Glorious! I can barely write this because thinking back my hands begin to shake with the excitment of it all. Oh, and there in the front of all this chaos with a purpose- fought my friend Tagnar. He was bellowing and barking commands "Charge!" the whole time. He brings such glory to the stoutheart clan they were wise to accept him. They must have seen him as I do and recognized him as a fearsome warrior and a staunch friend. I woud follow this Dwarf anywhere, even to the lands of the light above!

So I was gazing out over the darklake with Saroki fast asleep in my lap. We had just defeated a group of nasty troglodytes, the treasure was divided and our company went its seperate ways. As I stroked her hair I thought of the events that have occured in the past week. Saroki has run afoul of some cruel miscreants and I have vowed to kill at least three for the hurt and pain they inflicted on her. I looked down at her then, so peaceful, innocent, and so full of misfortune and trials for her sweet hin heart to contain. It was unbearable to think of any more harm coming to her. However I did know that I was in a downward spiral heading for disaster. These men I had vowed to slay were fearsome indeed. I may not prevail-its always a possibility I may fall. If I do fall who will care for poor Saroki. My heart ached with these thoughts of the pain she would continue to endure.

(What was written herein has been deeply scarred and removed)

Saroki can take care of herself I know. I just need to let her grow and find herself in her way...Not mine

Sleep well Saroki

OOC Info-PC Developement, Current status At this point in Wilimeks life he has crawled from the sewers and become an adventurer. He has made a few close friends and more than a few enemies by that association, and by his own sense of dark justice. His speech is heavily influenced with his contact with Tagnar the stoutheart dwarf who he wishes to emulate for his combat prowess. His chaotic nature and hatred of people imposing their will on others is reflected by his sensitivity towards biggerfolk refering to hin as "Halflings, rogues, midgets, small ones, children, knee biters, and pig riders". His most recent goal is to form a group of like minded hin and give the manling race a glimpse of hin collective potential as well as to demonstrate the depth of the manlings ignorance.

Wilimek finds himself in more situations where his beliefs in the divine have come into direct conflict (Verbal) with others. Preaching companions and strangers alike feel it neccesary to attempt to convert or demonstrate their righteousness to him. This has been very much an enjoyment for Wilimek to rebuff these attempts and have the "Divine" ones morals challenged. This may change however because Wil was in a religious conversation with a female hin cleric of yondala and during his rebutal yondalas voice was actually in his head. Who knows where this will lead... Yondala said; " I never left you child" Wilimek and his Patron Mask would beg to differ.

Ah-so much has happened I dont know where to start. Saroki and I are engaged. I confessed my continuing love and wishes about our union and she has accepted my proposal.

I fear she has stolen my heart. I find all my thoughts lean towards her and our future together. I wish nothing more than to guide her to the safety of the lands above, to see the sunlight on her face. I will not begin a family in this lightless cavern I have known as home for so long.

My dearest friend Tagnar worries me. His recent exile from the Stoutheart clan have affected him in ways he will not admit. Gone is that jovial stubborn dwarf I once knew. Now he has become darker, in combat he attacks with reckless abandon never slowing so his wounds can be tended. He has never fully confided in me what happened that day in the Stoutheart clanhold and I cannot help but to curse them for my friends current disposition. I have begun scouting the surrounding areas of sanctuary in hopes of finding a way to the surface. So far I have been unsuccesful. I will not give up, but at times it is quite lonely on these forgotten paths I now tread.

But enough of that- Saroki has found that she posseses arcane powers. What a suprise! I always knew there was something special about her besides that charming smile and that soft giggle. A potbelly dragon named Rocky has joined her as well, and accompanies her frequently in our travels together. It is the perfect companion for her in my absence. It has told me it wishes to gaurd Saroki and my "Lil" ones. If it learns to keep its mouth closed about certain unmentionable things and does not steal my breakfast I may come to welcome Rocky in my household.

I have traveled with this fellah named Ko'rus on a few forays into the underdark. I have learned he is a seeker and it is their goal to find a way to the surface. I am now seeking a place in their ranks and I feel this may help my friends and I escape. I am a little unclear on their duties though and find it hard to believe they have not found a way above yet. Of course that may be because I have been busy killing rats, sniping Trogs, and kissing Saroki instead of helping them (The Seekers) find a way.

I found myself grinning as I wrote that last part.


Darkness-All I could see was darkness. I say darkness because I was certain my eyes were open.

Pressure-I could feel the weight on my entire body, my lungs screamed for air and I gasped struggling to remain concious.

Wetness-As I lay there alone I felt moisture running down my face. I licked my lips and the familiar taste of iron and salt, the taste of blood met my tongue.

Panic- I lashed out with all my might, wriggling, and twisting I sought to escape this prison. Was I dead? Was I in one of the nine hells? Was I dreaming?

Freedom-The bodies atop me rolled away. The smell of piss and fear was in the air. Along with it was an heavy silence.

I stood up in the courtyard of the goblinoid fortress. I saw bodies all around. All poses of death, all positions of forced repose. I remembered where I was. I had accompanied a party of adventurers to the fortress on a mission I believed was from the seekers. Among my brave companions was Miss Delly. The last thing I could recall was storming the towers in an effort to quell the arrows from raining down, and then I could vaguely remember falling and a sudden pain. I gathered my things together and looked for signs of my companions passage. They must have been swept away during the fight. Im sure they searched for my body, Im sure Miss Delly was worried. I found a trail of humanoicd tracks after a short time leading from the fortress. I followed the trail for some time. I must have strayed off the trail somehow because I came to a dead end in the passage. Thats when I heard the shuffling from behind me. I froze and slowly turned around. There in the distance, some 30 FT away stalked a rock lizard of large size sniffing at the ground. I understood at that moment he was sniffing for me! I melted away into the shadows of the overhang and began sidestepping off my trail in an attempt to get around the beast. I almost made it, I could feel the sweat drip from my forehead as I came alongside the beast. I think he could smell my fear, or sweat, or both because it lunged sidelong in my direction and took a piece of my pants and part of my thigh into its snapping maw. I had grown quite used to that part of my thigh in all my years but found myself more than willing to part with it in exchange for my freedom. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me. I had to make it back to sanctuary. I had to get back to Saroki. I had to get back before hells bent Tagnar came looking for me. I ran and ran until I thought I could continue no longer, then I ran some more....


Darkness-All I could see was darkness. I say darkness because I was certain my eyes were open.

Pressure-I could feel the weight on my entire body, my lungs screamed for air and I gasped struggling to remain concious.

Wetness-As I lay there alone I felt moisture running down my face. I licked my lips and the familiar taste of iron and salt, the taste of blood met my tongue.

Panic- I lashed out with all my might, wriggling, and twisting I sought to escape this prison. Was I dead? Was I in one of the nine hells? Was I dreaming?

Freedom-The bodies atop me rolled away. The smell of piss and fear was in the air. Along with it was an heavy silence.

I stood up in the courtyard of the goblinoid fortress. I saw bodies all around. All poses of death, all positions of forced repose. I remembered where I was. I had accompanied a party of adventurers to the fortress on a mission I believed was from the seekers. Among my brave companions was Miss Delly. The last thing I could recall was storming the towers in an effort to quell the arrows from raining down, and then I could vaguely remember falling and a sudden pain. I gathered my things together and looked for signs of my companions passage. They must have been swept away during the fight. Im sure they searched for my body, Im sure Miss Delly was worried. I found a trail of humanoid tracks after a short time leading from the fortress. I followed the trail for some time. I must have strayed off the trail somehow because I came to a dead end in the passage. Thats when I heard the shuffling from behind me. I froze and slowly turned around. There in the distance, some 30 FT away stalked a rock lizard of large size sniffing at the ground. I understood at that moment he was sniffing for me! I melted away into the shadows of the overhang and began sidestepping off my trail in an attempt to get around the beast. I almost made it, I could feel the sweat drip from my forehead as I came alongside the beast. I think he could smell my fear, or sweat, or both because it lunged sidelong in my direction and took a piece of my pants and part of my thigh into its snapping maw. I had grown quite used to that part of my thigh in all my years but found myself more than willing to part with it in exchange for my freedom. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me. I had to make it back to sanctuary. I had to get back to Saroki. I had to get back before hells bent Tagnar came looking for me. I ran and ran until I thought I could continue no longer, then I ran some more....

It started out as a simple enough job.

The quiet fellow Tarnis Westwind gathered a capable fellowship together for an exploration mission. I talked Samantha into coming along to lift her spirits. Its was a large group and also contained a spellgaurd and the seeker Ruby.

We met with trouble in the mines when we encountered another party. I was talking to an old friend when all hells broke loose, a beast was summoned and began attacking our party. We quickly overcame the beast but when it fell- the other party was no where to be seen. Strangely enough neither was the spellgaurd. We continued our journey and rested at the inn near the darklake. We met the spellgaurd again and started off once more. We traveled to places I've never seen before and before long I lost my bearings. Members of our party began trailing off from the main group and were not seen again. Among these was the unknown spellgaurd.

The attack came with little warning and consisted of a large party of fey, creatures unknown to me and fierce in their resistance. Our group won through the attack and beat back the fey. We were spread out in the cavern and we tended our wounds.

As I was recovering from the battle I looked back towards the direction of Samantha and beheld a strike born of hell fury. The group from the mines had overtaken the party and subdued them with brutal efficiency. I have never seen anything so co-ordinated and efficient as this sweep and found myself staring at Samanthas crumpled form in disbelief.

I could hear Voices in the background as I stood aghast and the sounds of ringing battle, then silence. Everything became a blur until I heard a word that ripped me from reverie. The word "Mistake". It seemed the attack was meant for another group and not our own. I didnt even consider the reasons for it nor did I care if the attack was justly motivated, I was just overcome with the fact that the party was so brutally overcome "By mistake".

I found Samantha soon after and with the help of Valen helped bandage her wounds. I couldnt even look her in the face. There would not have been anyway I could have saved her from the events that happened, but then again were it not for my urging she would not have been in harms way.

As I looked on her with guilt in my heart I could only wonder if I had somehow let the rest of my friends down as well. It had been days since I had last seen Miss Delly, Vence, aila, Tagnar, and my love Saroki. Where were they? Did they need me? Did they want me?

As I wandered off alone I found myself wishing to become that "Teddy Bear" aila always seemed to need and cherish. I longed to be a dependable comfort to a friend once more.

Note to self-What the hells is a teddy bear anyway?

My search continues for my friends. Valen has joined the rolls of the missing along with Vence, Delly, aila, and Tagnar.

My search continues for my love. Saroki-Where are you? Are you thinking of me? Have you finally succeeded in taking your own life. Are you indeed that selfish?

Everytime I come upon a body in lower and fearfully turn it over looking for those faces I have come to know and love a part of me dies inside.

I have been sick to my stomach and cannot sleep, haunted by dreams of my friends calling to me for aid. Aid that never came, and I see in my dreams as each of my friends falls alone but not forgotten.

Samantha has been comforting me in their absence. Its not so much what she says that I find so comforting but rather what she does not say. I dont know how to explain it, I find escape in her presence. I find comfort in her soft humming and songs of the moonsea flower whose name I have forgotten but which blooms but once in e'ery three moons.

Saw a dwarf today make fun of a gnome for a racial steriotype. At the same time he invoked blessings of his God clangadingdang (Or somesuch)upon his orcish companion. This city has spiraled into madness and despair. I find no joy in her confines and long for release.

My friends-I sadly salute you