Players needed for short term characters. These are still to be your 'main' characters though, so nobody in any faction can apply, and nobody who has another 'main' character that might otherwise interfere with evildoing.
What I require is basically :
- Characters MAIN class MUST be fighter/rogue/ranger or barbarian, HOWEVER they can multiclass as long as their 'other class' is always the same, or one level less. No monk/druid class under any circumstances.
- Alignment must be evil
- They CAN be subraces
- Once dead, they are perma-dead
This will be as regards to unseemly doings and nasty work, so the squeamish need not apply. Think of your gangster archetypes when you make your character - squealers, brutes, and quiet monsters.
PM me your personal application in the form that's on the information-bit and i'll basically just say yes or no if it's a human, and go from there. If it's a tiefling/drow/duergar/whatever, then it'll take a lot longer.