After being asked this question three times in a single session, I thought it might be a common quandry for folks now that the server's public.
If you've read up on Info for New Players, you've made good inroads, but, of course, you still have questions.
The following list isn't complete + isn't necessarily accurate. I'm not a DM, after all :wink: I do hope others will be so kind as to add their thoughts.
:?: 1) How can I find others to RP with?
Consider this: you've just arrived in a small town. You don't know anybody or anything about the town. You don't happen to see anybody on the street. If you're craving interaction, does it make sense to go to the diner?
Well, it does to most of the playerbase from Beta, because that's where we usually seem to wind up between questing / exploring / getting our rumps handed to us by the Underdark's numerous + varied inhabitants.
:idea: Can't find any PCs in the streets? Check the diner / inn / tavern.
:?: 2) How do I approach another PC?
Remember that small town / diner example I just told you about? It still holds true.
:idea: Try introducing yourself as a newcomer. Ask for directions. Ask about finding some quick + pain-free work. This sort of introduction works in your favour. Sanctuary is a town of newcomers. With a few rare exceptions, every single PC comes from has been in exactly your situation.
We're excited to see the server grow + the last thing we want is to keep the player base small by acting repulsive. Our company manners will last long enough to meet you + send you on a simple fetch quest.
That said, please do not impart your life's story within two minutes of meeting a new character. I know, you feel it's important for my character to know that your character's parents were killed by the goblins that raided + enslaved your village + your character grew up with an unreasonable fear of both goblins + the dark, but let's leave that for somewhere down the line, okay?
:?: 3) I have to tell the DMs something. How to I phrase it? I don't want to piss them off.
:idea: The DM team* are a pretty approachable bunch. Be polite. Be adult. Be brief.
* With the notable exception of the Ever-Wrathful Thrawn. He's a bastard. I now step aside + open the thread to discussion. Keep it on-topic, kiddies.