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right Turbo here ..the nick come from my uni/residential college days when all names were replaced by senior stundets based on your accomplishments....nuff said.. ((for those of you who care))

just come over from another server and hoping things here end up going good..

so basically..errr...well thats it..

Welcome to EfU, hope you have grand time. Always good to see fresh meat, er, bodies, er, blood, come in.

Welcome to EFU.

Hey Turbo nice to see you.. i remeber playing with you on a certain other server.. i played Manfred von dunkelhoof if that rings a bell.. anyway looking forward to seeing you in the dark mate :wink:

Praise Talona. Welcome to the Server.

>.> <.<

prepare to die :twisted:

Welcome to the Underdark :twisted:


People quit and other people come the system works!

Welcome to EfU and have a great time!

only a western australian could have the nick "turbospew".

See Omma's signature above...

oh, and welcome to the Underdark. :D

[quote="chezcaliente"]only a western australian could have the nick "turbospew".

See Omma's signature above...

oh, and welcome to the Underdark. :D

Dont knock WA.

I took you on a quest Wed. You showed excellent RP skills for someone new to the server (far better than I was). I hope to see more of Raithe.

As Fearless Leader would say....Escape!

(and welcome to the Underdark)

Welcome to yet another server to become addicted too. Glad to have you aboard, Have a good time, and dont get lost in the darkness.


Nice to have you among us, Turbo.

haharr! the projectile vomit has arrived.

g'ddie g'day old friend, good to see you loose your day vision in favour of your night vision

see you in game

It's good to see you here, I enjoyed playing with you in Arabel. I hope we have nice time here as well.


Long live Velsharoon! >_>

Welcome to the Underdark.

thanks for the welcome people..