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Any ideas the the House Of Light will be back. I really miss it. And having a life, but i miss the HoL more.

Here's a thought: work towards it in-game.

work towards it in game?

I been trying to get a char to a standing with it for ages.

YOU work towards it in game.

I have to admit, I've neither seen nor heard anything in the past 6 weeks implicating that anyone was trying to re-establish the House of Light.

Well, i heard Merien say something IG about cleaning it up, but WHEEEEEEEEN

There is a clean-up of the house, simply that the player putting in most of the work has been unwell lately. You could be in for a wait though, last time I waited for the house to open, I waited roughy 2 months, and even then it wasn't completly finished.

[quote="Nero24200"]There is a clean-up of the house, simply that the player putting in most of the work has been unwell lately. You could be in for a wait though, last time I waited for the house to open, I waited roughy 2 months, and even then it wasn't completly finished.

Son of a.. 2 mounths? Thats it, im making my quit post >.>

Heres a thought: move the HoL to upper and it'll never get trashed.

here's a thought: They don't want to.

It will be staying in lower for various IC reasons, besides, this time it was only minor damage dealt to the house, last time it was burned down and the house was specificlly targeted. The reason why the house is trashed now is because of so many lower citizens rushing into it for shelter during the riots. Just because the majority of PC lower citizens don't like the house, doesn't mean that the majoirty of NPC lower citizens feel the same way.

Nero24200 It will be staying in lower for various IC reasons, besides, this time it was only minor damage dealt to the house, last time it was burned down and the house was specificlly targeted. The reason why the house is trashed now is because of so many lower citizens rushing into it for shelter during the riots. Just because the majority of PC lower citizens don't like the house, doesn't mean that the majoirty of NPC lower citizens feel the same way.

But its a good indicator.

The house should be up and running again fairly soon i should imagine especially with all the work a certain player and a certain dm (or possibly dms) has put in to get it restablished.

The House of Light "faction" should still be running. You do not need the building to enact the tenets held by the House and supposedly it's members.

That being said, there is currently an IC reason why the building itself is closed and I believe it would be best pursued IG when or if it will open up again.


I can confirm that the huse is still running and still enacting its Tenents

its still around. ask nina or shayne addams

Excellent! Time for the annual "burn down the house of light festivities" already? Where does the time go?

[slaps a "burn down HoL" post-it on his to do list on his evil looking desk XD ]

Sedarine, you twit. Why do you plan the party after I leave?


The house is still running and anyone who wants to be part of it just needs to come find one of its members IC and we'll looking to your character and see if you are the right sort. As for the lower opinion of the house its been nothing but positive as far as i've seen over the last 3 or 4 months i've spent getting it running againafter the riots and serveral PC deaths. You wanna try burning it down go right ahead but at least do it for an IC reason other than you dont like it. That just bad Rp for a start and a bit childish. Yes if you worship Bane thats quite alright seeing how most of the house members are torm worshipers these days. But its here to stay if i have anything to say about it and we aint going without a fight.

Actually I was refering to a former plot line that involved [spoilers] killing all the HoL members which worked quite well except for the ones that hung out in the RB XD. There were also multiple attempts to torch it, by PCs, which was what I was making reference to.

Further as burning down just about anything requires a DM, who is likely going to ask "why?", it ought to preclude any childdish behavior.

When you only play 1ce a week it's hard to get involved in the HoL but im trying....

The House of Light is gone? That's funny, I could've sworn 4 different chars telling Brindle he should join/help them in their efforts.

Its definatly up and running even though the building is out of commision but hopefully it wont be for long. And yes i know all about the plots against it as i was a member of it during them and I didnt spend a lot of time in the rock other than getting parties together for quests and yet I survived. While I know the DM's will hacve to get reasons for anyone wanting to cause IC damage to the house its the OOC reasons some people used to use against it that never made any sence. IC grief of the house is great because its just going to lead to great Rp for everyone but if the OOC stuff starts up again its just going to spoil anything else that happens.

arminas_285 Its definatly up and running even though the building is out of commision but hopefully it wont be for long. And yes i know all about the plots against it as i was a member of it during them and I didnt spend a lot of time in the rock other than getting parties together for quests and yet I survived. While I know the DM's will hacve to get reasons for anyone wanting to cause IC damage to the house its the OOC reasons some people used to use against it that never made any sence. IC grief of the house is great because its just going to lead to great Rp for everyone but if the OOC stuff starts up again its just going to spoil anything else that happens.

Well spoken. In its heyday the HoL was an awesome faction. A prime example of what characters can do. That building was granted through IC work and toil. The IC conflicts over its placement in lower were many and the tension sometimes was so thick you could cut it with a knife.

As for the rest of you, don't let the small disadvantage of not being able to devote 8 hours a day to NWN get you down! Come up with a story! IE: I have to work a regular job to support my family, I would like to assist the HoL, but it will have to be outside my normal job as a (insert you job here). I beleive the HoL has brought much to the people of lower, and I wish to help.

And last, but certainly not least; griefing over OOC stuff. I am not an OOC griefer, nor an IC one. Just like any of you, the HoL players have worked hard to do what they have done. To try to harm them or the house for petty OOC reasons is, of course, unacceptable. I wasn't aware of any OOC griefing of the house, but admittedly that certainly doesn't mean it didn't happen. I wish you all nothing but the best in whipping the HoL into shape once again XD

Any allegations of OOC mischief should be brought to the attention of the DMs, as I'm certainly unaware of any.

Im not certain of Ooc mischief but at one point it did seem that every evil charecter and his dog were out to get the house which i know is fair enough but it did get a bit old after a while.

Dilandau Kale Im not certain of Ooc mischief but at one point it did seem that every evil charecter and his dog were out to get the house which i know is fair enough but it did get a bit old after a while.

Its pretty standard, the HoL claims to represent goodness in Lower. Those who represent evil will obviously want to destroy it; except maybe those evil folks who believe the HoL is a joke that only undermines actual holy causes.

The day the "heroes" stop chasing the "villains" is the day its "old" for evil guys to work toward the destruction of a good temple.

Its still pretty old, there are many places for evil characters to reside, not just lower, and there are other targets for their hate. Its not really paranoia when every evil character on the server IS out to kill you

Unfortunately, my graphics card died yesterday so I'll be unable to use the toolset/log into NWN until I get a new one (Which I have NO idea when will be).

Since I'm working on the HoL renovations, I'm afraid there -might- be a slight delay until they are finished.

Any questions you have concerning the HoL would probably best be directed to me via PM's here on the forums.


Nero24200 there are many places for evil characters to reside, not just lower, and there are other targets for their hate.

This is, in fact, already the case.

Because of this, their actions, habits and attitudes are most assuredly not part of your experience of the server's story arc.

Nero24200 Its not really paranoia when every evil character on the server IS out to kill you

It's not paranoia. It's a generalization based on seriously limited information.

Trust me, there are Big Bads on the server who have no interest in something as minor as the House of Light.

Now. Can somebody please lock this thread before somebody sillier than myself flogs the expired equine?

DruQks Unfortunately, my graphics card died yesterday so I'll be unable to use the toolset/log into NWN until I get a new one (Which I have NO idea when will be).

Since I'm working on the HoL renovations, I'm afraid there -might- be a slight delay until they are finished.

Any questions you have concerning the HoL would probably best be directed to me via PM's here on the forums.


This answers the question that started the thread.

Howland Any allegations of OOC mischief should be brought to the attention of the DMs, as I'm certainly unaware of any.
This should address any secondary concerns that were raised.