It's surprising to me how large the niche is on EfU for a good Talonite to make himself big in the city. When you look at the city, it should be obvious how heavily the balance is tilted toward Talona. There are several quests involving poisons and diseases. There's a completely customized system that allows for the poisoning of foods and drinks. 60 something+ different types of poisons from ability drains to -death- can affect characters. There's an Herbalism system on the way (if it's not already in for that matter) that'll probably take this even further. There are tons of opportunities for things to be expanded upon by an aspiring player, or group of players, for that matter, that can be capitalized on.
So why aren't there more Talonites? :o
In any case, that's the primary purpose here. I'm currently playing a Cleric of Talona, who's fairly desperate at this point to find a few good followers he can work with, to further the Lady's interests in Sanctuary, and so that he doesn't have to keep dealing with threats and hostilities from those silly unfaithfuls.
Any Talonite is pretty much promised a lot of Inter-character conflict on all sides of the alignment spectrum.
So the rewards should be obvious. Any Talonite is nearly guaranteed a lot of excellent conflict and roleplay potential, and if we can get a decent group together, it should be a huge amount of fun, especially once goals and such can start being accomplished.
I've already got a few ideas in mind myself, and am fairly intent on playing the leader role of the Faction, but I'll likely step down if someone else really wants to take over, and can justify it ICly. I've got some goals in mind for the group that could do with being pursued. So hit me up with a PM if you're interested in joining in, and I'll tell you what I've got in mind so far. I'm pretty receptive to new ideas for goals at the moment as well, in case you or your character might want to add some things in to it.
I'm playing Talontar (Talonite priest) Gibbon Meldren in game. There's currently really only one other Talonite in game who Gibbon knows/gets along with, so that puts party dynamics ultimately as a cleric/monk combination. Pretty much any class is open and justifiable as a Talonite, but especially useful would be a good fighter to tank.
So yeah, hit me up with a PM if you're interested in making a new character, or especially if you've already got a Talonite and would like to meet up.
Cheers, and forgive any rambling in this post, I made it up on the spot, and I'm really really tired anyway.