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Durris's End

As of 9:17:23 EST on October 24th 2006, Cail Durris's story ended. And his ending could not possibly have been more perfect or fulfilling.

The tortured man, his entire life since the earth shattering moment when it ended for him, had been nothing but suffering, hatred and anger, leading eventually into a depression that had him reconsidering what he had made of himself, to him finally losing his life in a fit of anger at an act which violated everything he believed in.

For those who followed Cail's diary throughout, most of this shouldn't be news to you, but here it is, presented in its clearest form to date.

Cail Durris was born in Waterdeep. His parentage was unclear. His youth was really without any loving protection from caregivers - instead from the age of six he was training in combat. For most of his life, (from the time he was able to be useful and onward) he served a minor lord, and eventually through hard work and dedication to duty, became Captain of the noble's guard. By the age of 32 he'd only ever had one love interest - a persuit he looked back on for a while as folly, but never truly regretted. With a ring bought and paid for by Cail's savings, he proposed to Sasha, and left the service of his lord, to persue a quiet life in the lands outside of Waterdeep; one in which they would raise a large family. Cail and Sasha both had always wanted many children.

It wasn't to be though. 5 days after the Wedding, Cail and his bride had left the city, and were scarcely able to unpack, before a raiding party of orogs stormed the fields. A number of farmers were taken, and so too were Cail and his love. They were taken to Khun. It was there that Cail bore witness to the brutal ravaging and eventual death of his wife of less than a week. An event which in itself lasted far too long for anyone to escape unscarred. Three days, it went on, until the merciful hand of death stopped the suffering.

During their holding, they were stripped of everything of value, most importantly the wedding ring Cail had bought with his sweat and blood. The loss of the one artifact that tied him to his departed wife, and the sound of her screams haunted his dreams for months. The orog who perpetrated the crime had never even been brought to justice.

When finally he was set free, and brought to Sanctuary, there was naught for him. He had lost everything in his life of any meaning. He returned to the axiom on which he had based his life on the surface. The only reason he had been able to stomach the pomposity of the noble lord he endured. "Duty is Purpose. Purpose is Life. Life is Duty." This in mind, he devoted himself to the Watch. He had regained some semblance of use, and set to his work with a fierceness that quickly earned him respect. Still, he was lost.

He eventually found a degree of closure when he was persuaded by the Lurite priestess Mylin to do so. He, with others, departed to Fortress Khun, to retake what he had lost.

In a bath of blood, the very orog captain who had perpetrated those crimes of humanity was left dead. So doing, Cail regained the wedding ring, and finally reached enough peace that the nightmares that plagued him abated.

He never took it off after that day.

For months more, Cail endured. Even coming to accept his place as a now sergeant, in the ranks of the Watch. Things weren't peaceful, obviously, as he with his comrades in the Watch dealt with the various threats that faced the city.

He grew discontent though. In one fiery moment, in a fit of rage as Cail was wont to do, he discovered that a thug of Lower had sent an orphan child to explode itself in an effort to taunt the Watch. Enraged, Cail stormed to Lower, despite the cries of his associates to stop, and reconsider, he continued on. Confronting Dimes, he was quickly overwhelmed by the thugs and slain. His last words were those he spoke to Dimes.

[Tue Oct 24 19:24:33] Cail Durris: *barks loudly* Dimes! [Tue Oct 24 19:29:41] Johnny Dimes: You want somethin, asshole? [Tue Oct 24 19:29:50] Johnny Dimes: Could be seen as an armed invasion. [Tue Oct 24 19:29:52] Cail Durris: You're fucking right I want something! [Tue Oct 24 19:30:15] Cail Durris: I've got a problem when bloody children start blowing themselves up on my front step, shithead! [Tue Oct 24 19:30:59] Johnny Dimes: Yeah, that would be a bother. [Tue Oct 24 19:31:08] Cail Durris: *removes his helmet and throws it off to the side, nearly frothing in rage at Dimes* [Tue Oct 24 19:31:12] Johnny Dimes: [flicks a cigarette at him] Get lost before you get hurt. [Tue Oct 24 19:31:41] Cail Durris: *snarls* You're answering for this, shit. You're answering now. [Tue Oct 24 19:31:59] Johnny Dimes: What you gunna do? [Tue Oct 24 19:32:09] Johnny Dimes: You're just one ugly man. [Tue Oct 24 19:32:27] Johnny Dimes: Now piss off back to Upper before ye get corpsed. [Tue Oct 24 19:32:22] Cail Durris: *clenches his hand around his sword, raises his shield slightly* I'm going to kill your stupid ass, and pike your head in my room. [Tue Oct 24 19:32:29] Cail Durris: That's what. [Tue Oct 24 19:32:36] Johnny Dimes: Right. [Tue Oct 24 19:32:41] Johnny Dimes: Take 'im out, boys.

Cail's death wasn't in vain. Not long afterwards, Dimes' entire gang, and eventually Dimes himself, were slain in a bloody battle in the streets of Lower, as Cail's colleagues, among several others, retaliated.

It was in death though, that Cail found what he had been looking for, for so long.


I want to very sincerely thank the DMs for all the help with Cail they gave. Especially Howland and Arkov, who, while I know I must have gotten tiresome at points, were always more than willing to be helpful. Without them, Cail wouldn't have amounted to anything at all.

I especially want to thank Fish, because the times Cail and Salina spent together have been my favorites on the server, and were more often than not the sole reason I manage to get myself in game sometimes.

I also want to thank meow-mix, for Mylin, for much the same reason. In the early weeks of Cail, Mylin was about the only person who would talk to Cail, and without her, Cail probably never would have turned out the way he did.

And now, for a few little factoids about Cail's career:

Cail, while the second longest serving member of the Watch, had the single most arrests, by a long shot. Totalling out to 48 arrests, over 4 pages on the Arrest Log. he had 17 more arrests than the second place.

[Wed Feb 08 19:03:41] - The very first time Cail Durris was ever logged into the server.

Cail never once Full-Damage Killed anyone. In grand total, he's had executed all of 5 criminals.

Despite his reputation, Cail has only ever brutalized at most 3 criminals.

Cail's name is a composite of two characters from 'The Second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant' by Stephen R. Donaldson. His history was loosely (very loosely) based on Castellan Lebbick from the Mordant's Need duology by the same author. I got the name of his wife from the queen in Stephen King's 'Eyes of the Dragon'.

I guess he was never quite the Oliver Baba I wanted him to be, but Cail, while often difficult to play at times, for a variety of reasons, has always been a massively rewarding character, and I can only hope and pray other people enjoyed his presence in Sanctuary.

Cheers, to everyone,


My hat is off to you, sir.

<3 For Cail and Kotenku.

All I got to say. Awesome ending and character.

Very Stylish.

Though, you should have picked up his cigarette and the first attack was to burn it into his forehead. That would have been legendary.

Oh well. Always next time, eh?

Cail was great, I've to say. Hope he'd be glad to know that Dimes' head and body parted after many years of companionship, and have gone their separate ways. One of which likely involves a spike.

You had many admirers from afar Kotenku. My hat is off to you as Cails name joins the lists of the landmark characters in Escape from the Underdark.

Cail rocks. :) I'm glad you had a great ending there.

Cail was one of the stalwarts of Sanctuary.

I really never got the chance to interract with him much (damn time zones) which is probably one of my main regrets at his passing, but when your time's up, it's up.

Nice ending :)

Durris was -THE- watchman, Much <3 :wink:


the watch wont be the same afterwards.

Good play, good end.

Nice ending. The Watch just won't be the same without Durris. He was probably the single Watch member I was most weary of... simply because I knew he'd come after me if I gave him even the smallest of reasons, and I would not be able to shake him off short of one of us dying.

Although, if Cail happens to stop by the hells in the near future, him and Melrick can share some pie together. :twisted:

When I first joined the server, Durris was for me the definition of the Watch. An incredible character, well done.


Badass too the end, with a lemony hint of emo. Kudos my good man.

I bow down before you. Bow down!

A pillar of Sanctuary has tumbled down.

A great pillar indeed.

Good end Kotenku, Glad you have a good run with him. Thats what we're here for right. :D

No! Not Cail he was my secret love!

Yeah he'll deffinately be missed, playing along side cail was one of the best things I've done in a long time. He was always entertaining, if somewhat brash. Its a shame to see it come to an end but goodluck with your next character, you know where I am.

Um, I didn't think he was -that- great. ;)

*kicks beggar*

:D Although I wasn't a part of it, i watched quite a bit of the Khun raid on the computer of someone else there. Cail's the best ever.

He and Mordur did butt heads a few times. He was a great character. Does this mean I cant give you a hard time about swimming any more? Nah, probably not. :twisted:

Good ending Kotenku.

Definitely better than one to Orog Fortress. Glad you persevered through it all.

Cail was a good character and I look forward to your next.

does that explain all the blood in lower sanctuary? if so YIPPEE MORE BLOOD

A very nicely played character, Kotenku.


I hope playing Cail was as much fun as playing with Cail.

*shits himself*

Still my favourite Cail emote -ever-.

nicely done missy.

That was a [TELL]!!!

:p Thanks a ton, everybody. I'm glad to know Cail was well liked OOCly, even if he wasn't liked much ICly. :)

On a sidenote: Disregarding the actualy content and story of the original post, what did you think? As in, the writing style, and whatnot. Was it clear enough? Did it evoke emotion? :o Was it too emo? Did it flow properly, etc?

Criticism welcome. >.>

You win a free Internet, Coat. :wink:

*scowls* :P lol :)

Definitely Emo and reminiscent of the widely reknowned and Kiaring-lusted after character, Kelithon Mistrunner. -Rolling Stone

I liked the story though it really changed my whole perspective on Cail. Poor Cail :(

Just some more Cail's the best ever. Keep on posting how amazing he is! Shower him with love!


On a sidenote: Disregarding the actualy content and story of the original post, what did you think? As in, the writing style, and whatnot. Was it clear enough? Did it evoke emotion? :o Was it too emo? Did it flow properly, etc?

Criticism welcome. >.>

I almost got a lil' misty at the end...almost. Though I never got to play with you, I will miss you constantly setting me to hostile when I log in...well, come to think of it..I won't miss that either XD

Cail struck me as a well fleshed out character with a rich history as well as very human flaws. You and Cail are an excellent example to us all.

now whos going to chase me all around sanctuary everytime I say something :(

Wow...that rocked! Nice work DM crew and Kotenku!

Cail Durris was one of those characters with whom you never had the opportunity to interact with as much as you would have wanted, but those interactions that you did have with him left you awestruck and wanting more. In terms of personality, style, and sheer fun, I would award you a ten in all three categories, Kotenku. You took this character, and, through trials, challenges, and a lot of IC history, you made him something great. More than simply just a single character, Cail Durris' legacy has become the sum total of all the PCs he interacted with and influenced, and the lasting impact he has had on the gameworld of EfU. It is truly a testament, Kotenku, to your skill as a player and your accessibility, that you have created such a phenomenal roleplaying bastion.

In truth, Cail Durris reminds me of another great roleplaying lawman, Oliver Baba. Edgy, cutting, and with a complex personality layer, seeing Cail in action was like getting a chance to see this magic happening all over again. From the journal, to the gritty persona, getting to see the formation of a career, exemplarly lawman, this time with a darker persona-think Batman instead of Superman-but clearly from the same mold, was a real treat, and not something I would ever have thought I would have the privilege of seeing again.

In terms of the journal, exemplarly writing-I always was excited to see a new entry, and giving us that insight into Cail's character was an excellent, amazing contrast to what we saw of Cail ingame.

So, in short, Kotenku, a great character. I'm sorry he had to go, but every amazing story has to have an ending. It was an honor to play with Cail-one that I will not soon forget. Don't ever forget him, either-he may be gone, but he will never be forgotten.

Better than Oli'.

I think having emo as a contrast was used correctly. This from someone who is annoyed by emo. Kudos, buddy.

You should have warned emotional people like me not to read that. Handkerchiefs don't grow on trees, mind you!

I loved Cail's story as far as I followed it up and I think your journal was about the only one I ever read.

Good job!

My tribute screen to Cail I just dug up. Pretty much good old Durris on a good old DM quest. (Lockwood is behind us.)