Lower Council,
We need some kind of magic near the lift that'll purge that annoying invis crap from anyone that goes near it. Last few days, we had a Spellguard Agent spying on us, she tried to run to the lift but we caught her; we had Hayley's gang quaff invis potions and foot it to the lift; we had Baelister do the same thing from Dimes's boys, me and some bystanders. Now I went down to the tunnels beneath the Hoar temple, and one of the things there was these glyphs that did just the thing. Memnon looked at them and with some luck he might be able to reproduce them. On behalf of the Footmens and Lower, we'd really be able to use something like this in key areas like that damn lift. I want you alls to reach deep into those pockets and think about making stuff like this. You can even get fancy and let it make exceptions for certain people like us--I don't give a crap. Just stop those Uppers from spying on us or running for the lift every time they start shit they can't finish.
Footman Tommy
[Tommy sends the same letter to Memnon at the Crone]