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Respawn Confirmation

I'm not sure how much merit this has, but I think it might be an idea to require confirmation regardless of where one wants to respawn, since a misclick (and thus ending up in the Mausoleum), if no DM's on, can prove fatal for whatever is left of the party whereever they are. I'm not talking about a train of confirmations like the one to respawn at corpse location, just one.

I second.

It happens too often that someone misclicks and respawns in the mausoleum when they really meant to respawn at their corpse.

Yep. I think I've done that twice. Luckily both quests were in Sanctuary. I did feel sort of silly running through town in rags, though.

I'd like to see this done if it isnt too much trouble to set up.

It's a good idea. I remenber one time someone accidently spawned at the masuoleum when he meant to go back to his body which was currently at the orog fort :(

I think maybe the best way to handle this is to have 2 different people in the city of judgement that spawn you in different places.

They could even be dressed different and should stand apart from each other in surrounding identifiable.

Travelling from the spawn point in the city ,the first one people should GET to should be the spawn at body guy. Maybe a barbarian dressed guy for the go back to body (i.e risktaker)

You have to travel a bit further away to get to the spawn at mausoleum guy. (A more somber monk sort)

And further on again should be the "travel to home plane" - aka permadeath/delete character portal (maybe 3 of them, a yellow bright one for good aligned, a greenish one for neutrals and a black eldritch one for evil characters destined for the lower planes :D ) This is of course for when the delete script eventuates.

i believe this would fall under *exception)) or having the dm tele you when ya made a mistake i did this as a paladin on the goblin fortress and i wasn't gonna risk my ass traveling all the way there. no thank you

Instituting this lessens the need for a DM, as the chances of such a mistake happening would be greatly lowered.

However, I'm not so much in favour of separate NPCs. For a new person to the game, it may not be so readily aparrent that the NPCs do different things. It's easier to explain the options through game dialogue, rather than through a sign or something that people may miss.

9lives However, I'm not so much in favour of separate NPCs. For a new person to the game, it may not be so readily aparrent that the NPCs do different things. It's easier to explain the options through game dialogue, rather than through a sign or something that people may miss.
I second the Bogan.

And a barbarian amist the calm white would look silly.

I don't think separate NPCs are necessary.

Additional confirmation messages should be really easy to add.

When I finally get the delete scripts working, whenever you enter the fugue a servant of your deity will fly down somewhere and, when you talk with them, will offer to take you to your deity's home plane for retirement. (something unpleasant will be around for those characters who don't have deities or have betrayed their deity)

Confirmation message added.