2006-10-22 01:22:11 UTC
I didn't think I would start to write about my life agen.
But seems I was wrong..
Any way,
I got plenty of new friends and I likes them all,
They all have there special abilitys and all..
I'm worried that they gona find out about my past..
I doesn't dare to tell any one..
Would probaly get killd..
Shayne,Nina and Zerious is my closes friends it seems..
Shayne and Nina have I knowed from the first day I came here
Zerious.. well he is very special...
I miss Lasswen.. she was fun and all still serious at the same time.
The red cape team is my friends too,
I likes Morwen alot becuse I sees abit of myself in her,
I made Jozan try on like 3 % of my cloths...
Gods it was so fun!
Shayne me and Nina laughted like hell
Gods I can't belive he really said yes to me!
Well I wana get better with my whip I fells still abit weak with it.
I need to spar more and all..
I have won over Kaddaz and Shayne sort of
Then I have won over... er.. a few more..
I have lost too I'm not perfect meh
I'm woundering if it's any way out of here really..
I miss my home.. and my flowers..
I love flowers... *a small flower is painted here*
Any way I'm down here and have fun..
I gets friends slays somw evil things,
Plays with cloths and all, Just like I wanted my life too be...
2006-10-26 13:01:56 UTC
I hate weddings. I hate them more than evil.
They just makes me remember. Weddings are evil.
I know Nina and Shayne will live happy and smile to the futer.
But when I saw them I was ready to die.
I heard the word drunk and beer.
I walked out from the cave with a normal cloth and no weapons.
Merle watched me worried but I let her do so.
When we came to the rock I went to spencer and bougt 100 beers.
I drank them all first 20 abit of drunkelys then drank 20 more.
Merle did the same but not so mutch as me.
Then the beer was gone and I had 100 beers inside me.
I jumpted up on the table started to sing and danced.
Merle did the same and the helmet less Kaddaz watched.
I tryd to make Kaddaz dance but I only got him on the table.
Then Merle fell down and hited her back head.
Then I felld a cold hand on my heart.
I jumpted down when kaddaz tryd to wake her up.
The blood came from her back head.
I grabed my talisman and tryd to heal her.
Kaddaz took up Merle to her room.
My memorys just came as an shower over me.
I walked around and then found my self in the tailor.
I made myself as small as possible and cryed.
All night I cryed in that dark coner.
Then I gotted up and walkted to the Blue mushroom.
While I went there I cryed and shaked.
Then when I came to my room I can't remember what happend.
The day after I went to the rock I met Merle there.
I felld guilty and then I just told her about my hate.
She is the only one that have seen me cry.
And the only one that knows about that.
I doesn't want any one to know.
But it fellt great to tell Merle.
I allmost hopes she will tell some one...
2006-10-28 15:10:50 UTC
Agen.. I gets to hear it..
I never tought it wouls happen agen..
It did I fells sorry for Merle and May..
I hope May will be stronger than me..
I know she will find the road agen...
I hopes he will find his way in the after life...
So many losts... and so littel light..
Life is death and Death is life..
Love is Hate and Hate is love...