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Konfabulator - aka Windows Dashboard

I found myself a new gadget today. It's gadget software.


What is this? well a mac user would know this software as Dashboard for windows, so that cuts out a few people to explain to.

For everyone else, dashboard is a piece of software that runs in the background with all sorts of gadgets, bells and whistles that you can attach to it.

Okay what mine runs, right now, is a RAM and CPU useage meter. A quick url opener to save launching a browser, then when I press a button the rest of my plugins pop up. One is an RSS news reader, one is BBC headlines, weather forcaster, clock, moon phases (dont ask), CD drive eject button (because im lazy), thesaurus/dictionary, IP address locator (go me, nice find), TV guide, calender, yahoo mail checker.

yes yes most of it is pointless but Im a gadget freak. You can add and remove "widgets" (the little programs that run on dashboard/konfab) that you want or dont want. there's a whole library of them on the website user made and can tailor to what ever you want. Like all good programs, dont run it whilst playing uber games like HL2, you'll want your RAM back.

If some mac user can explain what Dashboard is, could they? I'm damned crap at it, since this is one of those things that are easier to show than explain.