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I need to vent. The government and the people are duking it out in nyc and I am suffering. Those of you who know me, are aware of my libral stance on most issues and wouldn't be surprised to hear that I am in favor of the Union asking for more money. However, the strike is costing the city money, the workers money and, most importantly, it is costing me money. Half my pay check this week will go to travel expenses to get to and from work. Half! On top of that it takes me an average of 2 hours to get there, meaning I am either late to work or have to get up at 6am for my 10am job. I'm pissed, and I'm pissed that I am pissed because I don't like being angry.

If you live in NYC and you have a car, pick up a hitch-hicker. I've tried, nobody cares. If you work for the TWU, go back to work. If you work for the city of new york then give them what they want. I don't care, somebody cave here because it is costing me me and everyone I work with dearly. :cry:

In other news, I live in California. Clear traffic around here! ^.^

Screw you inquis. I love you inquis. Thanks for keeping things in perspective for me. I have to get up in a couple hours, can't be any worse then other folks in the world. In the words of John Lennon, "Let it be."

Unions in the case of bilaterial monopsonies like this usually put pressure on wages to move towards socially optimal levels. The strike however is probably their least useful tool for that, and they've got labor economists working for them that know that, so something had to have gone pretty wrong for the union to strike.

Anyways, its just the shuffling of the free market economy to achieve greater effciency. Paradoxically short run gross ineffciencies can cause long run effciency.

Then again, in the 80s the strike lasted for 11 days, so maybe get a definte transport plan for the next week -_-