2006-10-19 08:53:59 UTC
Some traps don't 'spring' when sprung. The trap simply disappears when walked over, as if nothing happened. So far, I only noticed this being the case for Moderate Fire traps (PC-set)
Other traps such as Sonic traps, Negative energy traps, Tangle traps and Gas traps seem to work just fine.
2006-10-25 08:59:30 UTC
Is it possible that the PC involved succeeded on their reflex save, or something of the sort?
Alternately, it sounds like this might be due to lag.
Does it consistently happen with Moderate Fire traps?
2006-10-25 21:25:44 UTC
The trap was set by a PC and triggered by an NPC Troll. AFAIC Trolls do not have Evasion and in any case, you'd still have to see the effect or atleast that ... green little thing above their head when they resist it. There was no lag; other traps worked fine. I set two moderate fire traps, so I reckon it happened quite consistently.
2006-11-05 21:48:09 UTC
Can somebody else check and see if this happens consistently?
Paha Poika
2006-12-17 08:50:08 UTC
So far all my traps have worked against umber hulks, vermins, animals and even illithid. Haven't had chance to test them with trolls so far. Atleast spikes, ice, electric and tangle works fine so far. I've only had couple fire.
2007-01-21 09:47:40 UTC
Can anybody confirm that this issue occurs?
2007-01-24 14:03:31 UTC
Drop me a Moderate Fire Trap IG so we can check it out.