2006-10-13 17:59:22 UTC
I was too awestruck to take better screenshots, so this is all I have to show of yesterday's grand spectacle. -- May others come and do it better.
I cannot thank Howland enough for all that's happened lately related to this plot. I've felt undeserving. [bows deeply]
2006-10-13 19:49:27 UTC
A lot of really interesting stuff goes on that people just dont get to see. Good to see some people are fast on the screen shot key :)
2006-10-13 21:20:47 UTC
Dammit, I hope this wasn't the quest I in all my wisdom turned down.
Great screens. Must have been bliss.
2006-10-13 21:23:20 UTC
oh noes!
2006-10-14 00:21:36 UTC
:D It's good to be right. I tell people he's alive all the time (having been told ICly, of course) and they all "correct me", and they think i'm wrong OOCly too. Yay me!
Staring Death
2006-10-14 01:21:35 UTC
This quest was awesome.
And I missed that part. NPC allies hate me! :(
Who needs enemies when you got allies like that!
Awesome. Really.
2006-10-14 01:22:27 UTC
Screenshots don't really do the whole series of events justice, but it was neat I think
2006-10-14 04:13:57 UTC
*points at Vruuk and snickers*