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Dawn of Rot


I was too awestruck to take better screenshots, so this is all I have to show of yesterday's grand spectacle. -- May others come and do it better.

I cannot thank Howland enough for all that's happened lately related to this plot. I've felt undeserving. [bows deeply]

A lot of really interesting stuff goes on that people just dont get to see. Good to see some people are fast on the screen shot key :)

Dammit, I hope this wasn't the quest I in all my wisdom turned down.

Great screens. Must have been bliss.


oh noes!

:D It's good to be right. I tell people he's alive all the time (having been told ICly, of course) and they all "correct me", and they think i'm wrong OOCly too. Yay me!

This quest was awesome.

And I missed that part. NPC allies hate me! :(

Who needs enemies when you got allies like that!

Awesome. Really.

Screenshots don't really do the whole series of events justice, but it was neat I think

*points at Vruuk and snickers*