I'd like to thank everyone for bearing with us as we tried to work with a plot with extremely significant consequences and impact throughout the server.
In many ways my DM'ing instinct is to run plots and stories that are smaller in scale, but the occasional big one like this is I think an important thing to have also.
I'd like to apologize for the somewhat imperfect implementation at the very start, and also for not doing as great a job as I'd have liked in involving the whole server and really giving everyone who wanted a chance to get involved and make a meaningful impact. All I can say is that I do my best to be available for everyone, but obviously have limitations in terms of attention/energy/time-zone.
I'd like to congratulate those players who were right in the center of things. I saw some really spectacular RP from all kinds of characters, so kudos to everyone.
I'd like to hold the plot up as an example of just how far characters can influence the setting, and encourage anyone with a good story idea to contact us. If there's a kind of plot you'd like to see, let us know.
Finally, the "plot" itself isn't over. Sanctuary may no longer suffer under the plague, but the consequences of what happened remains and there's plenty of loose-strings for characters to work on. Just let me know if you want a NPC possessed or are going to try to do something, as always.