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i need to know any songs that a bard might now fast! i am trying to gain support for a bards guild ((do not need to be a bard but must have at least one bard lvl)). so in order for it to be successful i need to know any famous songs that are in cormyr or known in the under dark. ((if you have your own please post them anyway)) please no out of whack saying why didn't you ask post earliar please

Isnt personal creativity part of playing a bard character? Dream some up man! If worse comes to worse there is always adaptations of "There once was a man from Nantucket".

Hmm i don't think a bard actually has to sing isn't that just a sterotype personally i would like to do a bard who had ranks in Perform (Spoken Word) i think that would be quite cool.

I think he's asking for songs from the Forgotten Realms canon places.

If it comes down to it, man, just pick a real obscure place and say you're singing its National Anthem.

alright. really. this is sad considering the forgotton realms has a mythology history culture magic and etc... but its has no music i wonder which is the greator crime?

It might be due to the fact that its a role playing game inwhich you are to use your own creativity. As for novels, you may find something here and there but I doubt it. Just use your head

Mikhail The Heretic Hmm i don't think a bard actually has to sing isn't that just a sterotype personally i would like to do a bard who had ranks in Perform (Spoken Word) i think that would be quite cool.

I don't know if I'm dating myself here, but Henry Rollins would be one kick-ass bard, singing or spoken word!

Bards don't nessicerilly have to sing (unless he/she is using it's magicall effects) but can entertain through other methods, such as reading Tarrot cards and telling stories. So if you're really stuck just think up a few storys.

and you dont have to sing a song. you could always hum a tune, or use your voice to varie pitches and make a tune like an opera singer!

Phoenix and you dont have to sing a song. you could ... use your voice to varie pitches and make a tune like an opera singer!




:?: :?: :?:

EDIT: And you could say words in tune with a melody, adjusting your intonation for greater emotional exhibition.

I think he was saying that you dont need to type words to roleplay a bard singing. And was giving examples of type of real life song... that.. you dont need words for.. I think.


If there are songs, google search for them. If there aren't, make some up. Having played a bard in PnP, having plenty of rhymes and poems handy is actually better than song lyrics.

I happen to like my Cannibal Corpse lyrics, thank you!

It kind of sucks when your characters are more creative then you are, but don't fret over it too much. When I couldn't think of anything on the spot I used to sing weezer lyrics <_<

Just sing what you like, removing or changing anything that wouldn't make sense in the setting. Otherwise, you could pick up a tolkien book, they are full of poems.

If you have a copy of the FR campaign setting, then you have an idea of what would be sung about on the surface, depending on where your PC has been. Popular topics are usually famous monsters, people, places, blahblah.

As to the larger question of whether bards should sing, I think bards should sing as much as clerics should pray.

(But I have a long-standing bias and I've read the thread about bards, which was painstakingly copied from sourcebooks.)

[quote="Thomas_Not_very_wise"]alright. really. this is sad considering the forgotton realms has a mythology history culture magic and etc... but its has no music i wonder which is the greator crime?

Well, if i ever become a FR auther (chances are slim, but i do pray) i'll remember to leave out anything musical.

I usally just go: *sings*, then roll a perform and the higher the better the "lyrics" are.

*casts Resurrect Thread*

While not every bard would be into the whole 'public performance' thing, those who are might know the songs of other bards, as a way of supplimenting their own repertoire. Bards and drunken choruses alike are welcome to sing, change, add to and spoof the songs in that thread. Songs go into the "songbook" once they've been performed IG.

Oh, and in melee, my bard just *sings <generic warsong description here>*

nice. but considering all my bards died then not so nice