2005-12-13 14:50:23 UTC
Don't know if this is a NWN bug or an EfU one.
Anyways, I tried casting my Protection from Evil spell >_>
while having Defensive Casting mode enabled.
Didn't seem as it mattered if I was able to make the concentration roll or not, spell didn't go off.
Here's a screenie:

2005-12-13 19:32:46 UTC
Happened to me with my wizard too.
2005-12-13 19:43:10 UTC
I believe this is an issue with spells like protection from evil/the shadow variants -- anything where a single spell has multiple options, if that makes sense. Bioware issue.
2005-12-16 01:06:27 UTC
As this is a Bioware issue, I don't believe that it's something that we can fix.